Loved your photos with this... it was a whole story and more with the images leading me through it.
Funny thing... I had this thought simmering this week. Mostly ignored or pushed down again, I suppose. And your story just reminded me of it... yet I still can't remember exactly what it is. Which means it's something important. To learn. And painful. Of course.
I remember. It was something along the lines of how imperfect I am and how harshly I've judged someone at times. That was it. Because I did love him. And he did disappoint me. And I couldn't (and still can't quite) separate the behaviour from being something personal.
More thought now. I think I need to let this one simmer and rise slowly.
Thank you for your beautiful, honest, raw and courageous post.
This one's really going to help me shift some stuff. 👍
Thank you, they are mine. I found that it would be quicker to get the photos taken than to look for them. I'm glad you liked them.
I often get that too, short but deep thoughts of some personal situation, it's like a reflection in a random moment. But I pay a lot of attention to them like you, because it always turns out to be something important.
I'm glad you remembered it. It's hard to judge ourselves, we tend to be more patient when it's about us. Disappointments from those loved ones besides being very painful mark us strong. But that's because of how much we love them. Seeing the storm from above gives us a calmer perspective than seeing it from below. Because being inside the storm is not the same as being outside of it.
First we "put ourselves in their shoes," that is, in their shoes. We often fail. And if it is us we always think we deserve a new chance, but it is difficult for us to give it to others. Second to heal, think about it every time it is necessary, but not to make it hurt more, but to make it hurt less. You will see that if you set your mind to it, you will see everything differently. The weight of pain caused by others is a very heavy and sometimes unbearable burden.
After this:
I hope to get to read it too! It will make me very happy.
As always, I'm grateful that you come here to read me and for your valuable comments, I appreciate them very much.
I love that you managed to get something good out of this, it makes me very happy. A big hug @nickydee 🤗
I think you're so very right about this and am really glad I came to check in with you!
Yes. Now that you've clarified it for is just like this. Easier to forgive ourselves and even those we don't care for very much because they hurt us less
And ourselves because we know we don't mean to hurt people.
I'll give this a lot of thought. And when I have a better understanding I may very well write about it 👍
But this one will take some time to fully understand
Sending love. I'm also glad I'm connected to you and your very excellent mind 🥰