ANXIETY - Living on the Edge

in Emotions & Feelingslast year (edited)

How Money Worries Can Trigger Anxiety


It's no secret that money trouble can cause stress. But for some people, financial issues lead to more than just feeling frazzled or overwhelmed - they trigger intense feelings of anxiety. This type of anxiety can be deeply distressing and interfere with daily functioning.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety refers to excessive feelings of fear, dread, or unease in situations that most people consider harmless or only mildly stressful. While everyone feels nervous or anxious from time to time, true anxiety disorders cause irrational panic and exist even without real danger. The symptoms go beyond normal anxiousness into irrational panic attacks, constant worrying, sleep issues, and avoidance behaviors.

Some common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Racing heart/palpitations
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Ruminating/obsessive thoughts
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Avoiding people or places

What Causes Financial Anxiety?

Money is inherently stressful for most people. In today's complex world, few of us feel totally financially secure. Common financial stressors include:

  • Debt - Especially overwhelming amounts of debt like student loans or credit cards. Even a small debt can cause worry if funds are extremely tight.
  • Low Income - Scrambling to pay for basic necessities on a small paycheck naturally creates constant stress.
  • Precarious Job Situations - Concerns about possible job loss or cut hours can plague one's thoughts.
  • Lack of Savings - Having no emergency cushion can cause perpetual underlying dread.
  • Large Unexpected Expenses - A sudden car repair bill or medical expense can derail even the most carefully planned budget.

For those predisposed to anxiety, these chronic financial stressors can be anxiety-provoking on an intense and consistent basis. Money may not literally be the root of all evil, but a lack of it certainly triggers legitimate fears about keeping food on the table and a roof overhead.

How Financial Anxiety Manifests

The manifestation of money-related anxiety differs between individuals. But common experiences include:

  • Panic Attacks - Financial fears can literally induce fight-or-flight physiological panic reactions.
  • Obsessive Thoughts - Constant worrying about hypothetical worst-case scenarios.
  • Avoidance - Not opening bank statements or avoiding discussions about financial realities.
  • Sleep Disturbances - Tossing and turning at night over financial decisions or mistakes.
  • Irritability - Snapping at loved ones unrelated to the actual source of stress.
  • Desperate Decisions - Taking out risky payday loans or racking up credit card debt to temporarily escape the crisis mentality.

Left unchecked, financial anxiety can lead to poor decision making which exacerbates money struggles. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.

Coping Strategies for Financial Anxiety

If money stress is dragging you into an endless pit of anxiety, know that you aren't alone. Millions face the same financial fears and demons. Some helpful coping techniques include:

  • Take Inventory - List all income sources and expenses. An accurate grasp of finances quells the imagination's tendency to exaggerate.

  • Brainstorm Cuts - Can you trim any fat out of the budget? Downgrade phone or TV packages? Meal prep to save on food spending?

  • Increase Income - Can you sell unused items? Take on a side gig like rideshare driving? Ask for overtime or a raise at work? Apply for local utility assistance grants? Even a small boost makes a difference.

  • Lean on Others - Talk to trusted friends and family about money worries instead of hiding financial anxiety. They may help strategize solutions.

  • Practice Gratitude - When finances seem dire, remind yourself of blessings in other life areas - your health, loved ones, talents and skills, etc. Count blessings as antidote to catastrophic thinking.

  • Seek Treatment - If anxiety persists despite your best efforts, seek medical advice. A combination of therapy and medication may help intervene in ongoing stress responses.

Financial Anxiety is Treatable

Remember, intense anxiety over money matters is common but also treatable. You aren't weak or ridiculous for finding finances overwhelming at times. Be compassionate with yourself and realize that support exists.

With some planning, vision, resourcefulness and professional assistance if needed, you can eventually regain stable footing and some relief from money woes. Take things step by step rather than getting mired in the big picture. Just focus on constructive actions within your control, rather than dwelling on uncertainties.

While financial struggles may always cause some natural worry, having the right coping skills keeps anxiety from controlling your life. Don't allow money fears to rob you of inner peace or the present moment. With understanding and targeted help, the grip of financial anxiety can be broken.


Hello, my heart @noradaniel 😊

You have brought up a timely topic. We are all exposed to experience this at one time or another. The suggestions you bring are very timely. Perhaps we need to apply one at a time, concentrating only on that one so that anxiety does not make us believe that it is not worth it, or the results are being delayed.✅

Thank you for choosing us for such good material.❤️

Receive a hug🤗

Thank you :)

In a time of persistent inflation, high standard of living, low income and income level remaining the same financial anxiety is unavoidable. It's something that we must face however, how we handle it is what makes the difference. Thank you ror such an educating write up.


Very good enumeration, explanation, and possible solutions to the ever present issue of financial anxiety that affect us all. I would like to add one more area of cause. Sometimes we might by anxious for someone else who is in panic because of financial anxiety. In some ways our anxiety is indirectly caused by the deterioration of health, or concern of actions taken, due to the other person's anxiety. Issue with resolving these are then not only up to us, we need to comfort, and then convince the other person towards their resolution too. Difficult but doable. Something to keep in mind for those who might think they will not directly face this issue.

Good writeup ! Cheers from another #dreemerforlife

All these are just it...the absolute truth.

Nausea is a sign of anxiety? I feel that often whenever I'm on transit in a car🥹