Hello guys, yesterday I went to the shops of one of my customers and she was rather shocked to see me and the she asked if she was owing me any money, I smiled and said no, I just wanted to see how she liked the eggs I supplied to her and how her customers were feeling about it too. I just wanted a feedback from her. She claimed that her mind skipped a beat when she saw me. Luckily she was debt free from me. I was kind of surprised to see such reaction.
Well that was just one of the many kinds of reactions I come across each day when I make sales. The other day I was at a lady's store, she was so happy when I told her that I do supply eggs and thus would save her lots of stress plus the eggs were big and cheap too.
There were many others who weren't as enthusiastic to see me, especially the ones that owe, not all of them though, there are some goos fellows that'll pay you with a smile, while some wont just look at your face, some will murmur as they pay, some are witty and will try to take advantage of me, some are the business only type, while some others will try to kick start a conversation with you.
From my little experience in mu field, I have come to know that all customers appreciate big eggs, including me. When tbe eggs are big and neat, they'd wow at it.
Then they move on to the next stage of asking 'how much?'. This will go on to show that they appreciate the size but not the price, after I must have told them the price of the eggs. They'd be like, why is is that way, why is it expensive and all that, and they can get it cheaper in the market, bla bla bla.
Most of the time, I simply smile and tell them that this is the best available price you can get and of course they'd argue. At times, I do try to come down with the price a bit and some will buy asap, while others will try to beat down the price even lower and may even go to the extent of telling me that another supplier sells for them at that their preferred price, I used to believe these as a beginner but after a while I figured most were just taking advantage of me.
I've had clashes with customers too.
Some complain that I sold small eggs to them at a higher price, what I do in these cases is to promise to do better in my next delivery to them.
There are some that complain of some of the eggs being bad. To these ones, I sincerely apologize and replace the bad eggs with new ones and give extra to show good will to them. This makes some happy and some re just skeptical.
I've had an abusive customer once. Instead of simply calling to my notice of the size of the eggs which he claimed were too small for the price I gave him, he went on to insulting me bitterly. I simply cut him off my list asap. He just got so angry and wasn't willing to listen to reason.
I love this business I'm doing, it pushes me, a lot and makes me want to, or have to learn on order to survive the market or better still thrive. I'm in a process, I'm not perfect yet but I'm ever willing to learn and learn and learn again and I can still relearn if the need arises.
I want to be the best at what I do. I love and cherish all my customers but not all will feel the same and they'll come into the show with their own traits. I just have to be ready to handle it. Handle each of them differently cos they are actually different.
You are in a very peculiar area. In our former jobs we have traded eggs, and we have seen different criteria for dealing with damaged goods, appearance/price ratio, quality, etc. No doubt you will encounter various reactions as you describe. However, by maintaining our composure and managing ours well, we will walk away with few regrets and more satisfaction in how we handled each case.💡
We hope that you continue to grow as a salesperson, that your business continues to prosper and that you achieve a good name in the marketplace.😎
Kind regards @parkerlee 🌺
Hi, thanks for your kind words, you really can relate to how i feel. I do hope to continue getting better at what I do, as for the customer's emotions, I see them as a challenge to me.
Thanks for stopping by.
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Thank you!Dear @parkerlee, we need your help!