Embracing the unknown: a journey of self discovery

in Emotions & Feelings3 months ago

The terror of the unknown is an emotion that can paralyze anyone at any age. It's that uneasy feeling you experience when you enter a new or unknown situation, such as a move to a new town, a new job, or a life-altering decision. It can become very paralyzing and you start questioning yourself and all your decisions. However, however it may appear, fear of the unknown can be challenged and defeated by bravery and perseverance.

I once faced this fear when I was leaving my old job to start afresh somewhere else. My previous workplace had its challenges, including a boss who was difficult to work with. When I decided to resign, I wasn’t entirely sure what the future held for me. Would I find a better job? Would I regret leaving? These questions swirled in my mind constantly. Even though my situation wasn’t ideal, the fear of stepping into the unknown felt even worse.

What helped me was taking small, deliberate steps. Rather than getting flustered with the unknowable, I got myself ready for whatever may come next. I restructured my resume, contacted sources and went on a job search with a profile matching the job. I made a solemn commitment to myself that if I didn't act, I'd stay eternally miserable and unsatisfied. Slowly, that fear began to loosen its grip. And as I finally got my own job that I felt dignified and appreciated for, I realized the unknown wasn't as frightening as I had expected.

Facing fear of the unknown isn’t about waiting for the fear to disappear. It’s about moving forward despite feeling afraid. That might mean, at times, you don't know all the answers right off the bat. I sometimes reflect on a past experience of leaving a toxic relationship. It wasn’t easy to walk away because I didn’t know if I would find love again or if I would be judged for my decision. But I prioritized my health and peace of mind. The horror of being on my own, however, was awful, but I told myself I needed to pick myself up, and it was the best thing to happen for me.

Another important step in confronting fear of the unknown is trusting in your ability to adapt. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and sometimes things will happen that you can’t control. What you can control is how you respond. When I decided to visit Agodi Gardens for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect. But instead of worrying, I embraced the adventure. I ended up loving the peacefulness of the place. That small experience taught me that taking risks, even small ones, can open doors to unexpected joy.

Finally, I’ve learned to lean on loved ones and seek guidance. From friends and family to advisors, talking about your worries can be reassuring if there is a support network available. The more i try to find myself in the middle of how it should be done, than i communicate with my husband or with my mother-in-law, the better i can see the other side of the field of view. Their encouragement reminds me that I’m not alone.

Anxieties caused by the unknown are natural, but they do not have to rule us. Through incremental efforts, a positive mindset that allows you to change, and a willingness to ask for help, you can confront it head-on and find your peace on the other side. The un knowable could be empty and yet to be defined, but it is also in the process, the place of growth, and the place where discovery occurs.

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I don’t understand what I’m meant to do there

Participate in the #decemberinleo if you want.

How I go take participate naa

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Hello @vickiee 🙋

We liked the part where you talk about investing. 😀

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Hi @emotionsandfeelings sometimes I intend to stop by but I get carried away by something else, but I'll try doing that sometime. I post through inleo sometimes but I sometimes find it difficult to comment or reply a comment there so I run back to ecency to do that.

I'm not all that familiar with inleo.