About Inner Wounds


I think humans are united by feelings in the universe of humanity, where I and you even though we are different in space and time or even with people in the past will feel various kinds of feelings and emotions that sometimes make themselves change. From experience, for example: A woman who is often hurt and disappointed will turn into a person who is cautious and full of suspicion.

Of the various feelings that dominate in changing human attitudes, emotional wounds are one of them being hurt. In the experience of people who are heartbroken because of a breakup, their relationship will be closer to the bed, not because of the drowsiness that strikes but because they want to run away from the harsh realities of life. Because no matter what when a person is sleeping, he will neither feel happy nor sad, nor will he feel anything and nobody, no wonder one of the spiritual figures known as the Dalai Lama once said that sleeping is the best meditation.

Let's take a good look at when a teenager's heart is broken, or we look inside ourselves for the effects of a broken heart; not a little makes us good at making peace with others while with ourselves we often fight, right?. Thoughts and feelings are like two mortal enemies who love to fight and make us tired endlessly. But on the other hand, we often find people who are heartbroken suddenly adept at composing poetry or poetry. This means that the condition of the human mind is very influential on the state of mind and physical condition. As stated by a philosopher named Baruch Spinoza in his book The Science of Ethics, "Inner conditions affect physical conditions and physical conditions also affect mental conditions."

Talking about mental wounds will have no end as long as the human being himself is alive and has many desires. Because the inner wounds that are felt are not the least that arise from various kinds of desires or the many hopes that do not come true, whether they are desires or hopes in achieving dreams or aspirations, or more often because of a love story that ends in bad luck.

Sometimes when we are heartbroken we think that the inner wounds we are feeling will not heal, so we go here and there looking for a suitable inner mood in various ways, either by looking for strings of words or quotes, or entertaining ourselves by finding a song that feels appropriate. with inner mood. When we are hurt or disappointed, the universe presents us with two choices: one to hate and revenge, two to forgive and accept. However, the wise will find that accepting and forgiving are wiser and more appropriate choices.

In the process of dealing with inner wounds, heartache, and disappointment, sometimes we feel like ending our life, of course this is a very contradictory choice, not even the best solution. Believe that even though the wound will leave a mark, over time our inner wounds will heal, and this is God's grace. Just be patient for a moment, whatever is lost or gone from our expectations, will be replaced in another form and color, be patient and keep moving on with our lives because there are people out there who will feel grateful to have you.

I love you all 😘😍🌹🌹

Image souece: My painting


What a nice message @wahyunugraha 😀

Your last paragraph is very motivating and positive. We liked that you reminded us that how we lead our lives has a lot to do with ourselves. Most of us can choose what to do with the good that happens to us, as well as the good. 💔

Thank you for also including one of your arts. That enriches your content immensely and makes it more unique.💯

Thanks a lot for reading, friend. I am happy to be able to share writings and works of art in this community.

I hope you have a good day today