How I got caught smoking weed

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8pm. Now is the ideal moment to put everything I learned in class today to use. A wonderful moment because my older sister has gone to her boyfriend's place and my mother won't be home from work until after 11 p.m.
The paper Kojo gave me at school had the dried herb delicately coiled inside of it. I still clearly remember his advice to "breathe deeply and let it out."
I knew it was bad to smoke crack, but what the heck!
The paper between the cannabis and me was ablaze.
I coughed after taking a puff of smoke in.
It wasn't simply smoking it that was enjoyable for me. I was doing this even though I was aware that it was against the law.
The living room was filled with the strong aroma of burned dry herbs, and smoke curled and swirled in the air as if a ghost were trying to make an appearance.
A knock is heard. The individual didn't wait for me to open the door or give the all-clear.

The last person I anticipated seeing was them. My mother.

There wasn't a defense. My hand contained crack. crack that was partially burned.

She gave me a long, intense look. I knelt down and rubbed my left feet numerous times on

I hoped the floor would give way and let me plummet directly into hell.
She gave me a long, intense look. I repeatedly rubbed my left feet on the ground with my head down, praying that the floor would give way and I would fall straight into hell.

My mother's rage when she finds out

Is that cocaine? She enquired

That inquiry made my entire body tremble.

network of nerves. I sent a response and

Positive nod.

She moved in my direction. Every move she made

toward me caused my heart to beat more quickly.

I was curious about her physical stunt.

I'm going to start. She would either slap, hit, or throw something sharp at me.
The crack, which was nearly burned out, was collected. She took a big breath. precisely how Kojo showed it to me. She then let the smoke to ascend into the air.

Dress up. We're leaving, she murmured.
Now I'm perplexed. She may have surprised me, but I would have liked if she had pounded the heck out of me. She isn't very skilled in that area.
But she didn’t and that made me even scared.

My mum later taught me a lesson I will never forget but the story is too lengthy and I will have to share that with you all another day bye


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