Going back to pick up where I left off seems like a good place to start.
PFC. Bergy has finally finished his books and has the “No Coin” coins in hand to go with every book you order with the challenge coin.
They came out so beeutifully, and I am very proud of Bergy for not only persevering in the face of constant agitators throwing the gauntlet at him filled with venom filled lies and disinformation courtesy of one singular “alleged” time traveler.
Thus far, amongst all of the people who broadcast regularly he is one of the few who speak the truth without regret. He knows people will hate him for the truths he tells. The reality is, truth hurts sometimes. However, if you always tell the truth, you never have to remember a lie.
He is a father, a veteran, a DoD Whistleblower, Cyber Security expert, former IIA expert and so much more. He ran for county commissioner back in the day.
Never once has he asked his audience to get out their pens and write motions, writs of mandamus’ or asked for money. In fact he actually says “if you can help and want to help, go here ____”. He does not want to remove anyones ability to feed their families or to pay their bills.
The other difference is he is providing his work product to us for a reasonable fee. The time traveler loves to call that grifting, but she is wrong. On so many levels.
Bergy personally introduced a three time Purple Heart recipient into my life who has been more than willing to assist me with my court cases for no payment. He is a Supreme Court Certified Arbitrator, Negotiator and Mediator. It was really awesome to have him in my corner given the nature of my divorce case.
That effort alone speaks volumes of Patrick Bergy. He will forever have my loyalty because of the gifts he leaves in my hands. I am not the only one that would protect him either. Many people who regularly grace the chat in his twitch stream would absolutely take a bullet for Bergy.
You can listen to him here:
Hope to see you all there!
Bee well!
• catch up on old shows https://www.freedomstream.tv/bergy-bit/ wehmoen @alicekennedy @pennywisedawise @kiimayer @qconsciousness @spirit-Admetos @invsecactof1951 @brianburns @ibor @quantum17 @binbash @lasmokanostra @whatonearthq17 @dalec369 @memeteam17 @pauljosiesavill @newparadigmtt @iq187 @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @greatgaribaldi @envisible @q42 @littich @exodesigns @digitalsoldier17 @awakeninggreatly @fishface @forthesamuel @helloall2317 @indigosoul58 @isaacawesomov @jameswwg1wga @kristinaavalon @metatronscube @piriglion101 @roejanfootball @thadrake @davidnv2000 @drwaffles @key2truth @mb123 @mishelle1974 @realitymatrix @travis.ebarb @wokemobile @frankbacon @customcog @libertyreport
You do Great work.