I have to find some humor in all of this and really cogitate whether or not I should list his flesh light and penis pump as marital property. Petty, yes... Public record for future girlfriends to be forewarned of.... also yes. What can he say about me? "She knows stuff and writes about it!"?... "She made me gain weight from her gourmet cooking!"?..."She helps inmates who are readying for release to prepare for societal reintegration with resume writing, finding felon friendly housing, finding their families, and reunification with relatives."? O-M-G... I am SO scary!!! Meanwhile, back at the ranch I still have Thor's dick print on my master bedroom door because he was roid raging and being violent with me. But hey! I got a Merry Christmas front door mat. That's exciting. :-)Damn @FrankBacon I am going to have to listen to that song a few more times because there are so many messages in it. Last line...."There are better days to come." Indeed there are.
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