Hello everyone and welcome to my blog at this hour. There is a satisfying feeling about eating boiled corn - the soft and succulent one to be specific. It has always been one of my favorite street food when it is in season. I prefer it to roasted corn in a million fold, anytime, any day. The fresh boiled grains paired with some coconut is a combination that i can not have enough of. Well, roasted corn has its own feel too but that of a boiled one supercedes it.
Nigeria, is a country that is blessed with enterprising and hardworking people from various age groups and it is the reason we never lack delicious street foods. Whether you are in a urban area or rural area you are sure of getting top-notch street foods whenever you crave for one. You can always be rest assured that you would get your desired street food when you look around in their designated spots either in the morning, afternoon, evening and night (in some bustling locations).
It is quite a relief that when it's lunch break at work you can easily walk down the road and grab a hot boiled corn and some coconut. Sometimes, i stop by these vendors on my way home too as I relax after a long day at work. Unfortunately, corn isn't avaliable all year round except in locations where they practice irrigation farming, so it's always a season to loom forward to every year. Each corn season, I ensure that I enjoy it to the fullest.
I also enjoy eating corn with beans - that is, you prepare your porridge beans with corn. It is a combination made from heaven and you'd keep asking for more when you have a taste of it. As a child I grew up eating this combination and it is still one of my favourite till date. My father use to own a farm in those days where we plant corn, sugar cane, plantain, cassava and many other food crops. So, all these foods were easily accessible to us. Unlike nowadays when you have to buy everything in the market.
Like i said earlier, roasted corn has its own feel too and I know quite a number of people that prefer it to boiled corn. I eat roasted corn as well but I only prefer boiled corn more. The reason may be because if you eat a lot of the roasted one you may start to feel some subtle pain in your mouth resulting from constant chewing. Whereas, you may not experience that if you are eating a soft and succulent boiled corn.
We're gradually approaching the corn season in this part of the country (North Central). There are corn vendors beginning to dominate the city both the roasted corn and boiled corn sellers. I started observing them last week, so in a matter of weeks they'd be everywhere. I'm saying we are gradually approaching the corn season because rain hasn't started, there are speculation that the raining season will start by March. It is when the rain starts that more food will be available for us.
Thanks for reading
Really nutritious and free of chemicals. My parents used to love this staple food as a defense to diabetes. It is just so seasonal, we really love corn even its aroma really satisfying
@tipu curate
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