I’m going to have a firm NO stance on this one. My voice is small potatoes for sure but I create content fairly consistently for the chain and do my own manual curation every single day. I have very meager stake compared to some serious players on here but I’m very proud of what I’ve earned.
I’ve put a few hundred dollars into this place over the years and I’ve only taken out 25 hive into bitcoin, which is pennies compared to what the value of a bitcoin is. Changing the economic model yet again to hurt things like curation is asinine to me. I have auto votes set up for communities that I feel are important. I absolutely love the natural medicine community. Do I have time to curate that on top of being in the introduction section almost every day, trying to help new users? I unfortunately don’t because I also work and have a family. I can’t commit more hours a day then I already do (about 4-5 hours as it is over the course of the day) so that I can not only give other people my hive votes but my tribe token votes as well.
If we never had the tribe tokens I might be a little more reasonable with this proposal but there are tribe leaders and members that spend their entire day building their tribe and brand. Those of us that believe in the project but don’t have the same ability to dedicate time to look at the posts, curate the good ones and repeat with the other tribes trust in the tribe leadership and set up automatic votes based on their lead accounts. The same goes with PAL and Leo. Those are wonderful communities with dedicated members and teams. We have lots of PAL tokens staked for the voting benefit of others. Trying to hit the voters where they are trying to earn mere pennies is not something I could support at all.
I feel like this is just a way for people to pump and dump tokens. What’s the point of this whole thing if we can’t show our commitment to the platform and stake our tokens to be then rewarded with some curation as a way to say thank you for supporting it. As others have said, changing it back to a formula that disincentives curation will just lead to massive amounts of more spam posts and make people spend more time hunting down the farmers. All of that benefits those with the largest stake and crushes the newer generation of hive newcomers.
It doesn’t mean much but this was an easy downvote for me. I know you are trying to start dialogue and I’m glad but please take into consideration the lower tier of users. You need us to continue this experiment, many will begrudgingly accept it but many will also not. I don’t know which side I sit on if this were to come to pass. I’m usually 90% towards sticking to hive for the long run but that would definitely bring me to 50/50.