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RE: Debate: at which rate should the non-airdropped stake be converted to HBD ?

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

Yes but no, right now a very significant amount of the hive development is not being funded (and will be soon-ish) @blocktrades has 4 or 5 (can't remember) full time devs working on it, and I assume he'll make a proposal for it. Which will take a significant amount of money.

@justineh is still doing work and I would also assume she might do another proposal.

My point is that we'll probably sustain even more expenses.

I'm sure you developers have a bias towards keeping it for paying developers since you are 10000X times more likely to get it than others.

I am obviously biased being funded myself, and I'm truly sad to not see more marketing/communication proposals. I review all the new proposals and vote on the ones I like, and I do think that technical proposals are easier to sell in terms of tangible results.


It seems like there is clearly more in store and going on behind the scenes. I guess we will have to see what kind of proposals come out before we can get an accurate picture of what kind of funding is required and the value of these proposals.

However if people feel entitled to proposal money it becomes a problem , as it should ideally be efficiently distributed or the blockchain is going to crash when the money runs dry.