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RE: Debate: at which rate should the non-airdropped stake be converted to HBD ?

in Hive Improvement4 years ago

think the initial 800,000 sold every month by Steemit Inc is a healthy approximate number going forward. So I would round it up to 12.5% yearly or 8 years.

That's a good point !

This sounds like a bug. The 1%, or actually 1/24th since paid hourly, should not be exceeded if hard coded in the chain and be distributed among the top voted proposals. If one proposal earns only a share because of that and some drop out... code is law and 1% is codified.

it's not a bug, it's 1% of the total amount in the fund, not 1% of the inflation to the dao.

I think it's a good mechanism because the fund may fluctuate depending on external factors like donations / ninja mine conversion / inflation.


My bad re-bug. I deducted from that one quoted sentence about "overspending" without checking the actual current numbers. I should have better there and fully agree with the rest of your reply about that.

no problems :)