Pay me to view this post

in Hive Improvement9 days ago (edited)

This is a proof of concept. The text below is cipher text from an asymmetricly encrypted post. I am selling access to the decryption key for .001 Hive or HBD. It can be decrypted at the following website. Send me the funds and I'll send you the private key. If multiple people send me the money, I'll reencrypt using a new key pair, edit the post to add new cipher text, and send each recipient their own private key.


As a bonus and to get a thumbnail for the post, here's an image of a sunrise which I took the other day. This could be the dawn of something new for Hive.



I forgot. If you send me money for this, also leave a comment here so that I know to send it to you.

Pay someone for a mystery box? I'll pass.

Well you're kind of paying me for the opportunity to participate. I don't think my asking price for that is unreasonable. To put it into context, if 1000 people purchased a private key from me, I'd pull in a grand total of $0.34.

Why would the consumer want a private key? Private key for what?

To decrypt the message. To gain access to the content. Have you heard of subscriptions? This is a proof of concept for implementing something like on a public blockchain like Hive.

I see that.

I respect it.

I just think the readers could just say pay me to read it. It goes both ways. If it works it works. All the power to you. I just don't like to pay currency for knowledge that should be free, imo.

For an example, what if I wanted to restrict the front ends that have access to my content. My content is public. So front ends could make money from displaying my publicly available content. I might want to prevent that. Encryption might be an avenue to do that.

Then all you need is to automate the process onto your own webby.
"Pay here or vote enough to gain access to content."

Something that agorise could set up, is setting up for blurt. Or in the process of. Probably beginning stages.

It's interesting for those that want to monetize their own content.

Different question.

Does the vote if big enough to cover the fees, does it qualify access?

I imagine it could work either way. The way I see this playing out through front ends so it depends on how they would code it.

BTW, I'm working on sending you the private key. Gotta find my memo key.

But what if the vote gets stolen away through DV? That would defeat the purpose.