@jarvie To speak for myself and those like me, Tokens are helpful to folks who have fanbases that want to economize their community. An influencer may want a way to reward their tribe. Or a 'creator community' may want a way to exchange hours of work among themselves. A gamer may want a way for their users to exchange tips. I can think of dozens of ways that tokens improve a community- gamification being one of them. I don't look at them as much as a "currency" as I do a "points system" which is rapidly gaining popularity among the fanbases of influencers.
I agree that money can make community efforts wonky though. In a perfect world, all support would be for the feels and the intrinsic gain. People would do stuff because they really believe in it. And that's easy to accomplish when in situations without barriers. For instance, it's easy to follow a celebrity on Instagram and comment. (they also get lots of spam) That ease makes the need for compensation moot. However, when people are putting in WORK to contribute and understand a platform, such as on Medium, which is hard (Medium is not easy like Instagram) then we are left with feeling it is taking more than the platform is even worth (especially when we can install a blog and own our list.)
Just making marketing-philosophy conversation here. I feel I stand where a balance must be struck. It's striking it that's the challenge. A challenge most just concede to doing and either give up (and go to Instagram) or strongarm (and build a blog.)
Medium complied with their power users requests, but were okay with losing the accounts that wouldn't put in the work to meet them halfway. They're still very niche though but it worked.
I see HIVE as having the capability to get right where they all go wrong. Mainly because the technology was always screaming ahead of others, and the minds behind the whole core community are brilliant. The core team here already has my trust. Where other social blockchains simply have my presence due to their utility.
And yes, a phonecall might help catch me up to speed- may be way faster than texting or online discussion. The discussion is really good content though too >_< lol! <3
Yes i recognize the usages for tokens and I agree with them... but so far for most communities it has been a distraction and a crutch... they have failed to focus on the fundamentals of a community thinking all they need are tokens... the exact definition of a distraction.