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RE: Hivemind API being updated to allow following mute lists

in Hive Improvement5 years ago

Nonetheless, the nature of the solution was no doubt influenced by my thoughts on web-of-trust based systems and we may gain some useful real world information related to web-of-trust systems from its deployment on Hive.

I am looking forward to seeing what kind of data can be leveraged to add to the trust conversation, as it is a very important one for Hive with much larger ramifications.

We could even potentially go further and allow for users to create new types of lists.

From just an enduser perspective, it would be a nice way to build "playlists" that could be used to enhance all kinds of interactions and relationships.

The complete trust computation system I envision eventually is much more nuanced than this, but it might be worth deploying a very early prototype just to get ideas for the future.

No doubt, but a few little steps to see what can be learned may prove invaluable in the larger steps to follow.