Bitcoin's Price History - A must read for all PEPT subscribers

in Project ePay Traffic2 years ago

The following chart and link is from Investopedia.This blog is to establish an awareness of risk and reward factors relating to bitcoin fluctuation, impact and sensitivity to overall market sentiments and periods of global crisis. A great source of financial information. #LeoFinance on Hive would be another good sources.


From the above article, bitcoin is defined as a volatile asset. Also, it's intended value was to come via conducting daily transactions as a currency.

Project ePayTraffic is about creating a traffic exchange community token, #PEPT that can be used to do what bitcoin was suppose to do and more. To get there, we must all Learn Before We Earn. When you understand a marketplace and you have sufficient assets in the right places you benefit during periods of volatility or stagnation.

Real Estate, stocks, ETF's, cryptocurrencies are some of the asset class mix currently supporting Project ePayTraffic. FJ World Inc currently carries all the liabilities, risks and rewards of project ePayTraffic activities. Any money owing to members, via commission, performance rewards and project unit purchases make up a small liability to FJWI. With the introduction of a token, members will be able to use PEPT as eCurrency on ePayTraffic and partner sites, members can trade the token or choose to hold for long term wealth creation.

The supply, demand and perceive value of PEPT has no where to go but up. We are just getting started. And there is no rush. Rushing is reactive and it is wiser to be proactive. When you take your time to build something intended to last forever, you capitalize learning by not repeating someone else mistake.

Bitcoin will likely continue to be volatile and it will continue to have an impact on perceived value of tokens on Hive. For that reason, it is imperative that PEPT token value is supported by revenue streams that are not overly sensitive to bitcoin fluctuation.

I like to think big. For example, I believe it is possible for PEPT token to become widely used by consumers and investors to a point it provides more value than Bitcoin for subscribers of our Project ePayTraffic community.

Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts on PEPT token and our traffic exchange community. It is understandable that we all contribute and support in different ways. Be on the look out for opportunities that will be presented in future postings.


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The chart is fairly self-explanatory. WIshing you every success with your endeavours

I am picking away doing small steps. Today I released some tokens for sale.Thank you @markhodge
