I know JS and can work my way through the rest (mostly fluent in SQL)
Will probably install this script on a Google Cloud so it just.... runs.
I know JS and can work my way through the rest (mostly fluent in SQL)
Will probably install this script on a Google Cloud so it just.... runs.
Ah, right on!
I'll leave the history and whatnot to you then.
Going to start on your script core here shortly!
Will try and get it done tonight.. worst case be done by noon Wednesday?
Wednesday sounds wonderful, TBH
Right on!
Going to start building the core functions out here tonight so we can test tomorrow.
As for compensation I'll give you benefit of the doubt and assume you're not gonna stiff me on the pay. I need the income but also don't feel like you're going to grift me for free code.. Plus you code as well, so you "get it" about developibng for others. If you weren't a coder yourself I'd be more hesitant.
Talk soon! I'm
on discord if you want to DM there to help clarify or help guide the functions + sanity checks + persistance stuff... Going to use node-cron module for the scheduling.