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RE: Wishes container post

in Open Genie • 9 months ago (edited)

😬 Thanks for the info about my mistake. There really is a big difference... hehehe

1 - As you probably guessed, they are poppies....
2 - If there was a sunflower in the poppy field, that would be great. Whether it grows there or is placed there makes no difference to the wish.
3 - I could create it myself with AI... - The idea is to have a real picture for a birthday present. Here in France, I don't know any poppy fields in my area, hence the wish.

I'm not keen on having wishes on the platform that are just made up and that the wish granter has no real interest in fulfilling.

Your point of view is understandable... though since you don't know me, I can say that I wouldn't waste energy just for the sake of wishing or whatever. That's certainly not my style. There are already enough energy wasting people on Hive.

At the same time i kinda ask myself why you would limit the way folks are wishing... A genie definitely wouldn't care. Every thought/wish has all potential to be fulfilled. Open your Mind and let go... so you may see that fact!



Hereby a picture of a field of poppies and sunflowers. It's shot at Houten, in the Netherlands.
I am not completely sure if you're paying anything for it or not, if so, feel free to send me 3 Hive :)

Eeeexxcceeeelent...this is awesome. Thank You Much. Sure i'll send you your 3 Hive... with pleasure!!!
Please, just gimme a "second" to get me the liquid hive for it!

Een welgemeend dankjewel Stekene

Graag gedaan! ;D
Just discovered this Open Genie platform and it seems really great! :D


Thanks to you for fullfilling my wish for the 3 hive! :D

With Pleasure !