You'll be responsible for finishing up a already started project where the end goal is to create an API that communicated to a PowerDNS server using the PowerDNS REST API. The code is written in Go and uses the following library to interact with PowerDNS: (using version 3).
The end goal is to create a DNS management panel for, and while it currently works, it doesn't support DNSSEC and the goal here is to add the support.
You can read about what DNSSEC is here: and PowerDNS's api docs on DNSSEC:
A user should be able to enable DNSSEC on their domain, get the keys necessary to put on their registrar's portal to configure DNSSEC as well as be able to disable DNSSEC if they want. Expecting a total of 2 endpoints will be needed to be added to the project, one to enable/disable DNSSEC and one to get the keys. A modification to the current get domain API might be necessary to see if the zone has DNSSEC already enabled.
This is work on a closed source project, to which you'll be invited into during the duration of the work, and removed from after unless you are working on more stuff. All license to the code you write will be handed over.
This is a post created on the open genie platform you can view it best on this user interface:
A new wish from @rishi556 has been created in PROGRAMMING category. Check it out here: @arcange @borislavzlatanov @channelmagnetic @forkyishere @itharagaian @kendewitt @kenny-crane @klye @leonordomonol @louis88 @mangowambo @muwave @rishi556 @untzuntzuntz @viniciotricolor @wanderingmoon @weone @yokunjon
I'm interested in this.
Link to my account:
Assigned. Do you have interest in working on the UI for the DNS Panel too? Down the road thing, not immediate.
Web UI I presume? Sure.
Closed - Filled Wish
Wish status: Filled Wish
Link to the payment: