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What went wrong with your build?

I got my printer in a Box and I put another box from ikea on top where the filament should sit, but the distance was to big and the friction to high...
I would like to see your results with the nylon filament, I tried to print it too but the results were disappointing

Posted using Dapplr

Oh, i really like your enclosure there! I like that the filament is in with it. Mine, the filament sits on top and feeds through a hole I drilled in the top. I'm going to do that differently though, and put my old Bowden tube through the top to reduce friction. I don't think my extruder appreciated pulling the filament through the wooden hole with all the friction...

Thank you, it's a photo box that I bought on ebay for a low price + it came with integrated lights
But did you had any problems getting the filament stick to the printbed?

Posted using Dapplr

No, it stuck to the standard print bed just fine. I treat my bed with glue stick now and then cause I heard it helps with adhesion as well as removing the printed parts. I'll do the same with the glass bed too when I get it set up because it's worked so well.