steampunkkaja cross-posted this post in ThreeD (3D) Printing 2 years ago


in Hobbies and Nobbies2 years ago (edited)

Our flat is a studio for 3d-printing more than 2 years.

✨We are used to sleep listening to noises of 2 printers,
✨we are used not to open curtains when photopolymer producing is going on,
✨we are used to buy new kinds of filaments and photopolymer resin every month
and we are used to enjoy it!😊

Sometimes we have no orders ar all, and we are boring and sad. Even if we are very tired but we are busy with printing it's better;)

Sometimes we are too busy and even have no time to sleep well, but we are happy because our hobby is becoming our business.

When 3d-printers are working, I say:"It's a sound of money"😅
For now we don't get too much from it, but still it's our main activity now, and it gives us profit.

We still remain the only one 3d-printing studio in Kerch, and I'm proud my hubby is realy a cool 3d-modeller and 3d-printing professional.

Now some photos of our works:

it's our main fun now
we call it HandAss;))
it's a funny gift that means a man can't do anything well so he his hands are not from shoulders😅😅

that's how HandAss looked after producing being still into the 3d-printer

Look how many layers it has! More than 2000!

Technical orders are still in our TOP

especially for cars

it's a broken detail

it's a car starter we've made

filament - fiberglass composite

Such articulative toys are popular too now

it's a bike detail

a broken one

it's what we'de made

it's a car key

a broken one and our new one