If everything is Queen's game, I might have given misinformation to Wojak, especially since he was the one to get the Recursive Fractal Orb thing going, oh well.
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If everything is Queen's game, I might have given misinformation to Wojak, especially since he was the one to get the Recursive Fractal Orb thing going, oh well.
I can clarify this to some degree:
creating "Game of Deviance" = discover Queen's Game (!)
and creating "Game Of Defiance" = 'playing' Queen's Game (!?)
nevermind "AlphaZero", that's totally unrelated - games are fun (!?!)
clarification is that Queen's Game is like a magic mirror to "GoD"/"GOD"
thanks for clarifying. So does the Game of Deviance reveal any truths about the nature of Queen's game to the players of Game of Deviance? Making a facebook account and another eYe_of_eVe-esque... sigh, but Grandest Scheme was really good! It seems there are very opposite vibrations in your games.
Warum ein FB Konnte. FB=[REDACTED]
Ich organisiere dir gerne ein Social Sponsoring on HIVE, damit du nicht in Ungnade fallen musst..
Und wenn Du, dann immer noch nach aussen willst, dann glaube ich, dass Twitter mehr Nutzen und Effizienz für eine "Human-Cypher-Community" PR Kampagne bringen würde.
Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat!
Ich sehe Lösungen durch Veränderung auf uns zukommen.
free.fall in the rabbit.hole
Auf Facebook ist das Game of Deviance: Rätselhafte Posts von Grand. Das Rätsel wurde wohl schonmal von @main-gi gelöst, aber ich glaube man muss immernoch das FB Ding lösen um Queens Game zu entdecken.
From my perspective I've made it overwhelmingly obvious, but people do what people do. A long time ago I said that insanity was key, but nobody wants the keys, they just want a clearly defined "answer", like a password to the puzzlebox. They want the cheatcode, the single phrase that makes it all suddenly 'click' so they can say they won, but if there was such a thing I'd have already said it long before anyone else. The original Queen's Game post is in that GoD game, and it says "this is an act of charity"

[why was revealing Queen's Game an act charity]???
I could be solo-leveling instead?!
OH - that's what game of deviance was!
Memevirus, twisting
You need to turn around everything, but oh shit, there are boxes in boxes
Grossartig, der erste der "New Order" versteht, die Scheibe habe ich schon ewig!
Ich weiss ja nicht ob du auch das Oster-Ei suchst?
Jedenfalls hast du bis jetzt mit Abstand, den besten Ansatz.
Haha ne suche ich eigentlich nicht ^^
Bin aktuell sehr beschäftigt, versuche trotzdem alles hinzubekommen - bin aber halt auch noch voll im Survival Modus.
Kp ob ich da jemals wieder raus komme..
Nie wieder obdachlos wäre zumindest schon mal ein Anfang ^^
Aber kann ja auch jeden Fall noch mal drüber schauen, vielleicht finde ich es ja trotzdem ^^
"this one is for free" that is exactly what I said to WW when I told him he is not playing Queen's Game. To be fair I am not sure he ever thought [THE GAME] was Queen's Game, but it looked like it from the Screenshot he sent me.
Btw WW told me he was and still is paranoid since he entered the rabbit hole and that is why he did not want to communicate with me anymore about [THE GAME] at least until he figures out what my role in [THE GAME] is.
We came full circle to the inaction vs action debate :D, still his "I go solo, I dont need you guy who invited me to play" attitude surely rubbed me the wrong way.
It is actually so much fun that a random IRL friend that I showed the stuff then came up with Hyperion and it was so close to everything you told me, at least when it comes to the elements that are present.
Then my brother looked at this
and told me those are nodes used in graphic design for procedurally generated graphics, just the parameters are all missing. I still didn't really get how this thing works tbh though.
It seems like there are many different perspectives from which you can look at [THE GAME] and figure stuff out.
One more question though, I am sorry but it is just a technical one, do you need an active facebook account to participate in GOD or are Screenshots of your FB posts sufficient?
So they could learn to draw blood.
Credit: reddit
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