Had to drop this on one ya on a thirstythursday...
Oof today was a bit of a non starter in terms of what I thought I would get done today but in the end I moved the dial, and considering i'm not feeling my best physically, I've got to accept that's enough. That's plenty really.
Maybe im still working off the high of "closing" that deal. Or maybe I'm just excited to get away from the machine and into making mode tomorrow. Either way, and no matter how I wake up, I'll choose to be thankful that I did wake up for a start, get some water, caffeine and pills if needed down me and give the day a fair shot.
On the days I don't want to get out of bed I always bargain with myself and say "you can get back into bed at any time if you need to, but at least give it a shot." And nine times out of 10 I find that flow, the music penetrates my ears and I'm able to bop through a few good sprints.
Tonight brother and girlfriend came by and cooked quesadillas so it was nice to hang with them for a bit before I retired to my cave for a good scroll and chill, it wasn't long before I was thinking "hmm I should write my mouse", so here I am.
Im sorry if this post is incredibly boring, I'm actually due for another pain pill and the uncomfortability that's causing is messing with my concentration i'm afriad.
I'm going to take the advice I know you'd be giving me right nw and rest, and hopefully fall asleep fast, but I wanted you to start the day knowing I was thinking of you, as I always am.
That I love you, and I like you, and every day you decide to get out of bed I'm proud of you. Water please, deep breath.
You are so so loved hunny
I'll see you soon
<3 Dayle

hey, wrote you back! good morning.
certainly been an interesting year so far right? like wow, so many up's and down's it's kinda crazy how things have panned out, it would be impossible to run at 100% and not feel some kind of fatigue right now -- like you said, deal closed, now it's the reality of delivery and just setup. You'll do it, but do it in your own time, maybe try and make another 5/10 more boxes up just in case you start getting web orders too aside from bulk/commerical ya know?
regardless, you are fine, you are crushing all the obstacles and while it might be frustrating to not get the most out of each day just know you've been working hard for months to make this reality, a reality right now, these time scale things are crazy anyway, what's important is that you maintain a level of health and sanity right? :)
glad you got to hang with humans tonight and eat some nice foods, that always helps, i'll speak to you when you wake, i'm gonna make some breakfast and coffee and start this thursday with gusto! :)
thanks for writing!
Mouser x