Gunna bring you a little something different than my normally dreamy chill vibes for the morning, It's time to get up and shake a tail feather my darling <3
Haha I know it's a short one but damn that greasy bass Marc! Lol.
Ok, let's reset. Goodmorning, how did you sleep? I hope better than last night, less astral plane traversing and more rest. It feels like a cruel joke have to be so active when you're unconscious. I know I'm hoping for the same for me tonight. I'm beat.
I took this photo for you this evening on my walk, I almost missed, it thinking it was trash or some cardboard left behind by the recycling truck pickup, but there it was part of a hive...
It's strange how bee-related things tend to follow us. I remember when we bet I told you it was my dream to be an urban bee farmer, and you told me about apiary haus. Then years later we started and now here we are on Hive....
oh and the shape of my tins, and our shared natural propensity for MEAD ;)
What do you think? Maybe we were bees in a past life. Separated by miles and warring bee hive tribes and maybe we ran away and started our own hive someplace remote. hmm <3

This evening while I was walking and chatting to mom she told me a story that kinda made me well up a bit. She was at the store buying some grocerys and when she got to the register she was about 50 cents short. She was using the last of her cash to buy supplies and didn't have any change so she asked the lady at the register to take something off the bill when an old man behind her said "don't worry I'll take care of it"..
While mom was waiting for him to hand her some spare change he proceeded to pay for her whole order, about 20-something bucks worth. She told him it wasn't necessary and she was more than grateful for just the change but he insisted and said "don't worry about it I won the lottery. Of course she thanks him up and down and was really touched, nearly in tears at the store.
So she gets to her car and and is packing her fruits and veg away, and the same man was parked right next to her. She couldn't believe it and used the opportunity to thank him again for his generosity, and he asked her. "So are you really hurting in all this". And she told him how she hasn't been working and is just doing the best she can trying to make food stretch and stuff, and he hands her a 50 dollar bill!
So of course she fights him on it saying please no i can't take this and he goes "I'm telling you I wont the lottery! Don't cry, take this and buy more food next trip."
I mean damn, I'm welling up just writing this to you. The kindness of strangers. Later on she's talking to a neighbor and the woman knows exactly the old man she's talking about, because he lives in the same complex and turns out he really did win the lottery.

So it's the little things. The generosity, the sharing and looking out for each other, the way God provides and the Universe spins chaos and serendipity all into one wild fabric of people being people for better and for worse. All interconnected creating the structure for something good to flow... you could say, like honey, Honey. <3

Anyway, I love you. I hope you enjoyed a little morning textfile sunshine. I know you've been my sunshine in more moments than I can count just by being you.
I'll see you soon my darling,
<3 Dayle
oh man, this was kinda perfect.
i've got pasta on for breakfast because HA! time travelling.
that two minutes video from mark is one of the reasons he's so good at what he does, he can literally get up, shower, throw on a kimono and lay down a beat in a few minutes, edit, throw over some text and images and jobs a good one. perfect video, thanks hunny, brought me into turbo tuesday hot i see.
i think this hive thing is totally meant for us to do. i'd love to take beebee and make that a frontend for our projects using the hive chain. add in a bit of video, audio player, some social video apps, no voting display, maybe comments -- then also combine a store to sell our honey, i can totally see you designing the most sick low poly art for the front.
crazy what happened to mum, super cool of that dude to be caring like that. i know your mum is gonna make sure they meet again after it's all over and buy him a meal or give him something back, because i bet she feels in debt or something. i'm chuffed for your mum, good to know she has supplies and funds to keep going, just that extra day can make all the difference at turning things around right.
I've always been of the headstate that if you have more than you need or have come into abudance that you should share that shit around. It's been a long decade since i had a big influx cash injection like that but hey, never say never. I know it taught me a great lesson in the last ten years.
which also, i need to talk to you about as i have a collab job for us to work on that came out of nowhere, can't wait to tell you about it, we gotta get a script together and i think we can really knock it out of the part if we both do a little bit of a VO together for it.
thank you for writing me, i love waking up to these, i'm glad we started doing them again, it's the best thing about something timeless and immutable, ya know?
mwah, hugs x