Has there ever been a more perfect start to an album? Those few repeating reverb-y notes looping over and over. When I close my eyes and picture smooth round stones being plopped into a still smooth lake, as if each ripple sends out an aquaphonic chord like strings on a guitar.
Forgive me my lyrical wanderlust this evening, this track just does something for me, brings me back to me. Gotta be some deep pisces level shit encoded into this album. I mean, it is called "DIVE". Definitely one of my favorites.
I decided tonight to gift myself a good long wind down before bed, and I'm starting here with you and this album. A moment of QUERTY meditation on today tomorrow and thoughts of love and light sent to the one I love.
And for every day that you're you, and by my side, even if only digitally. I know I've told you before but I feel more loved by you from thousands of miles away than by anyone before. More understood and accepted. Just as I am.
I've Been thinking a lot about our vibrational and emotional sync drive energies. It's going to be really helpful for me to put things into that perspective moving forward. I'm over here spamming the refresh button, checking to see if anything has changed, if there's a new data stream from the Delta quadrant for me to disseminate and react to.
Albeit crazy and misdirected. A bit like when a little kid makes you a "cake" out of modeling clay. And you, being the gracious adult have to say "MmmMMMMMmmm Delicious!" wincing as you pretend to take a bite". The intention is there, but the manifestation needs an upgrade of skillsets.
What's important is not when we sync folders, or how often, just that we do. And we always do, I need to be better about trusting in that. I'm not good at being hands off when it comes to something I care about, probably why I'm not the best with plants naturally.
:Insert tidal wave here: Haha I get it, and I know you do too, just having a little fun at my own expense. It struck me this evening how ridiculous it was that you and I went nearly 20 minutes into an episode of Shark Tank without realizing we weren't on the same page, And you know what?
Because I was with you. And if that doesn't sum all of this up, I don't know what does. So, I think I'm going to leave you with that. We always find a way back, and restart with a...

I love you,
wow, just wow, talk about a track to start the weekend off perfectly. sublime, thanks for sharing! :)
yep, totally see that, fire crackling away as i tend it with a stick rotating whatever food pots we have on the suspended bbq unit above it, incredibly quiet, nature is calling my love!
that gif is evrything at the bottom too, not sure where you found it but it hit the spot once i finished reading, but then you always knew how to bring the end of a moment often to a new discovery at the same time.
also, that middle align game on the pause points. I like that, really made me READ.
yeah i enjoyed yesterday, hard to believe that much time passes, i think in total maybe 5/6 hrs, i guess you just need a mouser fillup once in a while to make sure that the digital manifestation is fleshy real and i get that but i have to admit i'd been kinda low energy up until yesterday when i got into that little piece for you.
and that's ok, we can't always be full energy laser mode right, it's just not possible without a crash and burn.
anywhays, i'm just waking up mentally at the machine, i passed out last night, woke early not sure how good my sleep was, kinda running on impulse(s) power this morning, hoping for a reasonably fast turn around and a small re-supply run at some point today.
i'll do my best to get some beverages into the mix as well, maybe we can watch a film and have a few beers tonight and shoot the shit eh?
thank you for writing me again! :)
loved this one!
Always my love, heading to read yours now 💕
And of course down for whatever’s 👌🏻 🍻