hey there, wanna share the next thirty minutes or so with me?
don't worry you won't really have to spend the whole thirty minutes with me even thou i know really in reality, on a daily, that's not nearly ever enough. if there is two people in the world that i'd quite happily spend all day, every day with, it's you. chances are this might take thirty minutes to write is all i'm saying, but hey, the words are flowing today so maybe it won't?
maybe i'm just carving out that amount of time for it (actually the next hour before breakfast) but i'm kinda hoping to have been efficient enough to have wrote what i want to muse about this morning within a nicely packaged, bow on top thirty minutes.
i've been up since like 6am this morning. I'm not really sure why, i just woke and decided to stay awake under the covers a little bit, i'm not sure if i slept or how things went down between then and now but here i am, coffee in hand, door open (yes it's cold but i have the heater on my legs) and the netting on the doorway so i can see the birds.
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash
who's been feeding the birds since we all got locked down? are they ok, are they struggling with finding crumbs of greggs that used to exist before but have suddenly dried up, have they had meetings about this? are they concerned, do they see this as a pastry shortage, is this the same style brexit for the flying masses?
either way, i did my part this morning and fed them a "not quite sure i should eat that" butter croissant to make up for the fact that i've been kinda ignoring anything to do with the air and the blue part above my usual horizon vision, some days, it's been hard to get my eyes to align to that life HUD and keep myself tipped above the line.
a chance door open and confronted with a baby blackbird stomping on the ground looking for worms after the rains reminded me that our influence extends past our doom scrolling and one click ordering experience, the chain of command while broken does not mean we cannot provide to those in need as hypervisors in the food chain. We will miss it soon enough and wonder why we never did the simple things.
i hark dearly for an old 70's speed boat with go faster chrome tubes in triple on the back to snooze fest drive around a lake with you on, clunky and old, but still in good shape, noisy and brash at times but reliable and sturdy, waves lapping at the side as you sit in the back section spreading cream cheese, covered with tomatoes and a splash of balsamic.
in a very close by quantum alternate string theory verse i'm sure we have that, in fact we've probably been living that live for a decade, no doubt our kids are already recreating real life contact scenes over ham radio and speaking to their alternate reality children in Alaska -- such is the fabric of the time space conductors we are these days.
oh look, there goes twenty minutes, was i writing or staring out the door looking for the stomping bird to come back or did the coffee signal my lizard brain to start the sequence of life choices off again, either way, when you are a time lord it's just like one big ass day.
no wonder bill murray started enjoying ground hog once he knew he could learn so much from one small space and effect so many peoples lives, even if it was a repeating day, he lives around so many interesting people that he simply ignored before.
i've got a lot on at the moment, mentally, things that i'm finally bringing to reality, something shifted, not sure if it was the hardware, software or the lockdown #3 that brought about it, either way, this universal rebalance seems important to wake up the world to the harse reality of our real world situation, to see what damage we have done to each other because someone was asleep at the wheel.
i'm forever hopefully, happy, glad, present and correct at the moment. honestly, it's been a really nice start to the year and now we are two weeks in, with the our 16th rolling into view tomorrow i'm happy that things started out this way, it's sure a departure from the nearly WW3 situation of last year.
not that it's still not potentially on the cards with north korea showing off new missiles in their high street but hey, we have hope, we are not doctor manhattan and even if we were, chances are we would just build an ice castle too on the moon and watch from afar?
i know i've said it multiple times in the last few weeks but i'm incredibly proud and impressed by your growth i'm seeing from this side of the pond -- your work ethic, your connectedness, your outreach, willingness to help people, building freaking communities and putting together some really stunning packaging that i'd buy in an instant. Your kinda bad ass, i love you a lot, i think you know that by now right? I'm hoping so. We are an effective team.
Today's Stoic Verse might be useful for you today as it deals with "only bad dreams"
"Clear your mind and get a hold on yourself and, as when awakened from sleep and realising it was only a bad dream upsetting you, wake up and see that what's there is just like those dreams" -- marcus aurelius
remember, we have both twin flame imaginations that run wild, formulating, connecting wires to outcomes like a switch board operator high on PCP or ACID. manic almost, wanting to connect the dots to make the outcome more agreeable more logical, it has to be that, right? that's the outcome, i can relax now in the knowledge that i've processed all the outcomes like a cracked out doctor strange trying to compute a world that operates with me in there, fully seen, fully operational.
deep breath bizey, lots of water, stretches, ease back into this reality, feel the warmth around you in bed right now, you have already more than the majority, in fact, you have a lot to give back out because you unlike many got a bed and warmth and a roof above your head, security and food, good stomach bacteria and the presence of mind to educate yourself about how to stay healthy and loved.
Also, if you had forgotten it's fucking friday right now, that means that within the next seventy two hours a lot of potential wine, beer and rum will be consumed and lots of content will be played and enjoyed together, using LIGHT to send DATA three thousand miles under the sea, next to creatures that cannot see and have never seen the blue skies and life above it's watery existence, it's already won the lottery in it's eyes, that's of course if it has any ;)
Abundance is everywhere you look, any road is possible, even building your own, above or below, fast track or hiking trail, you get to be the conductor of that, any time you please. Personally i'm looking forward to my morning walk, some breakfast, a lovely flat white wake up call to make sure all the meat sack systems are talking to each other and then jumping back into my little work area.
thirty six minutes, not bad, time for me to drop on my favourite glow up music track and get myself ready for the outside world. equip myself for the barrage of potential demands it needs, then back with a full belly and ready to take on my bubble world.
Tactical Mouse,
and his Mousery Whays!
Haha there was so much I loved about this from stomping birds to gut bacteria but what I loved most is for a moment you transported me to anywhere else with you.
Thank you ♥️
you are always welcome, the world is always built for 2.5 people :)