Dear Dayleeo | 5th of May | Meerkat Wednesday is here again, looking up & around!

in Dear ________4 years ago


well the week hasn’t started out like we expected but here we are anyway, flipping that energy as we do. i’ve had a pretty good week so far, great to see the numbers on the videos going up and getting true support from a blockchain community feels good again!

got a little video to make this morning about the new sites that were mentioned to me in the past few days, one a blogging one, the book/nft one — both are perfect for me to use right now and not many people are using them yet so it’s another platform that i can settle in and make home.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

So pumped that you got help with that course, even if it takes six months, it’s another skill/talent to have added to the arsenal right? might take ya product design packages into a complete direction, almost like a full service business — products, ui & uk and who knows what else you might add to the mix. smart to invest in that momentum energy to push everything forward.

today i’ve got five little tasks to do, a little research, a video about micro services on bsv, that bloody crypto pack (lol), webcam masks to add in to that pack (and others) and write a post on that new bsv platform, only costs $0.03 cents to post, bargain!

i’m glad that you got a bit of a break with the dogs this week, certainly breaks up the down days when you just seem to wake up and go over and over the same day in the same space right? i’m looking forward to the days where we wake up (or at least i do, early) and feel the sunshine on my face, making ya breakfast and coffee as you wake from slumber, cranking the back doors of the van open to waft in the smell of the morning.

focus up, focus on the prize. i have no doubt that we can adjust the simulation for a relatively short time and make that happen right? Right!? Momentum! Just look at all the course corrections we’ve made just this year, learned from it, flipping the script. Time is a construct anyway, bit like the end scene in interstellar, if you can use gravity to send messages in time, i’m pretty sure we can harness dark matter to create a white light of opportunity!

may came in hot, but i’m thankful for it, april is boring anyway, glad for it to speed past if i’m honest, i forget also that this month is quite a pay out month, but i’m getting better at adjusting for it, start of the year and the middle, gotta start getting ahead on those yearlies when we can, get them locked in for the next 5/10 years — then i can forget about them!

Oh that’s a thing i forgot to tell you about, did ya know with namebase or unstoppable domains that the decentralised domains are a one time payment thing, buy it and it’s yours for life, no more renewals which is freaking awesome. makes sense for the whole immutable thing right. that reminds me i need to setup this thing with you some time, will speed up ya net and everything and give you easy access to decentralised domains in the process.

gonna get mini some proper sweet shop sweets tomorrow i think as part of her “bundle” for this month, getting ready to add some of that bulk buying SITUATION to my life in the short term, nothing i love better than the BULK buy. stacking and stacks bizey, from pot to pot.

Might consider attacking the “other side” cupboards this weekend, take everything out, clean down all the dust and cables and see what i don’t use anymore, i’ve got new tech to go in there and i really want to get that kit so i can start taking the old computer apart, if i can upgrade the exhaust, chip and replace the SSD drive that can still be used as a relatively offline box for media playback.

sorry i’m in morning flat white mental gymnastic logistics mode this morning with all the things, always the way on a wednesday tbh, gonna have to adjust this frequency a little next week but i guess it’s just gonna be delayed by a few hours instead, might have to start doing audio podcasts and send them over in the mornings eh? :)

Meerkat Wednesday!
Mouser x

(go start to may, may it so continue!)


Hehe eyy audio notes would be cool little diary from the road I’m feeling the momentum from your ode for sure my love may is always lumped together with June for me it’s wild it’s still been so come some days I’m mevrallyvstill ij March, day by day. I love you mousey thanks for writing ♥️

of course hunny, always good to drop immutable thoughts out here into the wild wild west! :)