Good morning lady.
Is it possible to live a life time in a few years? Is it possible to do all the things and yet still have the yearning to fill in missing gaps? I kinda feel sometimes like we are the precogs in that water in minority report — knowing when the crypto is gonna hit the wallet and making journeys out to hit up that cash machine so it can spit out a bunch of old rosey money.
I was really really pleased to get your ‘dear_____’ post this morning, it had felt like forever but also not, like you said, when you know someone so well the connection is timeless, limitless, galaxy stretching even. I mean, yesterday I read a post about a planet they thought was there but actually wasn’t — Fomalhaut b.
But Fomalhaut b vanished. Disappeared. New research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, reveals Fomalhaut b may not be a planet at all. Instead, it may be the lingering light from a giant collision between two huge asteroids
So you see we are all just potentially light, refractions maybe from a faulty projector system and yet, through the carrier wave of all of that malarky we found each other. I’m guessing we are rogue sub carrier waves, like the cart horses of data packets, we STUN and AWK our way through and are just flagged forward by BGP border control ;)
I’m not sure why but I had this big revelation yesterday, maybe it was the minus figure of the oil price falling through the chart, they literally have nobody that is buying the oil and they have no more barrels and storage to put the stuff in, they have finally got to the point where someone turned to someone at the job and actually said STOP for once — feels like capitalism got a healthy stroking of reality.

Today’s title for stoic 1010 is ‘don’t let your attention slide’ — I think those are smart worlds as we start to cascade into the second trimester of this pandemic. Don’t fall into the media swirl, isolation is for sure a lonely place at times but it’s keeping us both alive and we have so much more to do together.
One thing is for certain after all of this clears to a relative degree, we are outta here, we are attaching that little trailer and we are heading out there, were gonna have to adapt and find a different way to live and thrive because these systems are just eating each other and collapsing.
If there are two people on this space rock that I know can research research, build and make it’s us too. Just look at the things we have experimented with and played with over the last few years alone, on restricted and lesser resources we still managed to make things happen, unfamiliar doors opened up some interesting projects and clients.

Can’t believe how thick and fluffy the beard has gotten in the last few weeks, I think when I concentrate my face hair must grow stronger, I must be sending signals to go full ‘call of the wild’ to it — wasn’t that a stunning film? As was 1917, incredible. Blessed to share things like that with you.
I realise this ‘dear____’ is a little all over the place but heck, are we not all that way right now. In full on adaptation mode to all the changes and how they effect us, battling the elements of day to day life, looking to china who is restarting their monolithically built machines to crank out the products that the western world desires while destroying the ozone in the process.
It’s all a bit of a head fuck being a human, but look, we can never ever say that we never got to play our corners right? I’ve got wonderful memories (not imagination) of us together walking through sun dretched fields with blue skies as we drink at the local beer festival together and our missions to re-supply the base like a pair of wall-e recruits ready for service.

I’m a little late to the machine this morning. I’ve got a few job requests coming through the airwaves this morning. I’ve responded and let’s see if they are legitimate or just the usual spam bot desperate for attention army, either way, course parts to put up, sections to make, graphics to tinker with, time to take out of the craziness of the day today.
But it’s also TURBO TUESDAY so you know it’s gonna be a good fast day, you crushed it yesterday even on a poor performance day so you can’t be mad about that, time to take things at a different pace, it’s a long game play with incremental tweaks along the path.
You got this, you always did.
Let’s get after it, welcome to Tuesday love.
__humble xx

Would you look at us?
You're right, it was all over the place, but in the best way. Something about the morning, it just flowwssss.... be water my love.
Glad you're here for another day and I'm here to share it with you, even if it's remotely. <3
yes mam, at the computer desk and ready for work! :)