yo yo yo, 10 am.
let’s get after it, already recorded a vlog, already recording a tik tac, had breakfast ready to go, orange juice and that ready made croissant on deck (i could eat that every morning, it was so delicious, unreal) and coffee — oh baby baby, talk about a monday morning amplification.
it would have been so easy to bang on the other heater and get it cranked out and fall back to sleep again from 7 > 9 but i thought no, let’s do a little bit of doom scrolling and get outta bed for 8am, so here i am, two hours later, great sprint and writing you while in the background things encode — i’m literally in multitasking heaven right now. feeling so damn good.
i gotta get into the prepared breakfast game, like things half way cooked or like ready to go next morning, it was a real breeze and removed that mild frustration that sits in the back of the mind before you go about your day — if you can today, don’t make breakfast at home, get out there, early, get yaself a breakfast bagel, go ham and cheese and a good coffee and some orange juice, hit the spot today.
Photo by Maksat Zhumanov on Unsplash
Oh man, can’t wait until we can drive around europe and get a fresh French baguette at one of those robot machines and put some cured ham and brie up on there, bottle of cheap euro wine (which will still be better than the 10th pressing shite here) and a good view, taking a deep breath and a big catchup on the last few years.
i wanna slam the tunes on, get the fire going and start the weekend right, few shots here and there, fire up a live stream, get wireless mic’d up, get a great static shot, roaring fire, podcasts from the road style. oh man, i can totally mentally visualise that, that’s something worth heading towards let me tell you.
I’ve got the door cranked today, it’s uncomfortably cold, like i wanna shut it, my body wants to shut it but my mind is giving me a reminder about the outside world today, if you wanna be comfortable you gotta work through these days, that said, i still might get a walk in after i’ve wrote you, not sure — it’s brisk, fighting the elements but giving me a good reminder of how lucky and entitled i am to have security and warmth, we take so much for granted.
eleven minutes until my encode is done, i’m thinking that maybe i might have finished writing to you by then, i’ve got a little tic tac to cut up and then i can clear down the decks for some client video making and get back into that short short game, i feel a productive day today, make some more borders, throw up a few more videos, definitely a layout mood.
How wild was that movie yesterday, you nailed it when you said it’s a movie full of trailers, it was literally back to back trailer, you could cut ANY sixty seconds (heck even 30) and have a trailer that people would be like that looks awesome. I’ve never watched such a long trailer! kinda mindless for a sunday but loved it anyway.
That scheduler is working a treat, i had something queued up and paused for me to action when i woke this morning, i prefer it like that, gives me more control, saves me hunting and remember at least and it only takes a few minutes to grab after that — that little life hack took me maybe a half day, crazy the things we can automate with a computer these days.
heck even some income right? to think we have this AI computer technology that we can have a digital store front running 24/7 around the clock, around the world, a store front that never closes where people randomly rock up and you wake up in your meat sack body to see orders waiting, it’s kinda bad ass.
feeling incredibly blessed today, those food supplies really helped me out a lot, knowing that i can eek it out and then eat what might have been thrown away anyway, i’m always happy to support a business over the years when they think of me when it comes to wanting to save stuff that would have only gone in a bin. I’m quite happy to be a human dustbin, we over produce stuff anyway and yet it could help someone move on an extra day or week.
I guess i’ve always had that in me, like i said in my vlog today, i think that was because of my grandparents and there need to have reserves and backups, salmon and picked eggs under the stairs, if all shops failed she had a lab of what looked like experiments to my teenage brain while we sheltered in place from the lightning storm (my grandma was super scared of) under the stairs, a little pull light bulb on a little ball chain, clicked into place and the vignette style of that cartoony steam game appeared, surrounded by picked onions and salmon :)
you’ve been feeling these mondays recently which i’m really happy to hear, i think the store is helping that, you’ve got a purpose to furfill, you don’t feel so like disconnected from a world when you are sending orders out to parts of it. gives you a sense of pride that you took and idea and made it reality and that people subscribe to it, heck, you even had a refill order, that’s completely badass.
so. freaking. proud.
time for me to close this up here i think, body is telling me we need to walk, that would be the perfect tri-fector of the morning right now, because i’ve had such a positive start to the day/week i think that would just put the tin hat on it for me. You’ll be awake in the next few hours probably, i think i’ve got the timing down, i’ll be here to wake you into the fresh new day.
Time is flying, second week of march done, half way point, pay out from the digital coffers and sprint through the next month into april, start of our four point plan of coming out of this second lockdown — will there be a third? maybe! — but for now we see how the figures look as they come down on the daily, opening up slowly.
April and May time, vaccines! and then, who knows what summer looks like, i’m sure we will work it all out and what the rest of the year holds, i know mentally you are already making moves and i’m happy to see it. Looking forward to co-working with you later today :)
Welcome to Mondays!
Productivity GO!
Mouser x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?
Aww you reas my kind about breakfast life, and thank you for writing I woke up feeling kinda beat down from having awful dreams, I think a bagel and and early trip out to ship orders is just the prescription. (Another one came in after we said goodnight).
Which I believe makes 19 in th first two weeks. Heck I’ll take that. I love you so much and I promise I’ll be writing you again soon.
Huge loves
Keep manifesting those plans darling 💗
don't rush on the writing stuffs, i know your focus is elsewhere (as it should be) you'll find a flow again. the perfect tools do not exist yet, but i'm hoping that maybe when we are on the road, we will make that mobile blogging experience effortless! :) if nothing else will be a great after noon drinking and mind mapping along the way.
as for the store, ya crushing it, it's amazing how much traffic actually comes in and that little tweak you just did made it so easy to make it an impulse decision ya know?
you know me love, always manifesting! :)
testing <3
hello, welcome backzors.
hello my love, i didn't have the spoons for a full post tonight, so out of a kind of bargain/kindness to my tired brain I decided to write you a mini post here.
I'm rustyy wow i remember being able to spin up a post so fast, and tonight i opened peak and just stared like.. what do??
so here I am... I wonder if I can get a link to this comment to send you in our chat.. I mean I know it has it's place on the chain but before I get too distracted. Anyway I will find a way.
I know this is informal, but it's actually a good practice for me. I've spent so much of my life pushing. Pushing aside my health and wellness and mental health to just do one more, make one more, take 10 more minutes... to make something perfect.
Im sure you remember how i used to get when I was fixated on client time...
And tonight I know i need to get my sleepy brain and sore and tired muscles into bed and so I made a bargain with myself.
Is it perfect? No, but it's still a message in a bottle to the one I love, across a literal sea through shark bitten fiberwires.
I am so proud of the way you continue to show up, to iterate, to get sunshine and fresh air and to have another "at bat" every morning, and I'm honored to be a part of that morning in the form of pixels until I am there in the flesh...
Pulling you back to bed...
5 more minutes.
I love you
And I like you
<3 Dot.
like i said before, don't feel like you have to write, i'm glad you did but don't feel you have too, if you don't have the brain cycles and ya efforts and time are elsewhere so be it. it's no biggy, at all. totally cool. i totally understand how a day can totally drain ya when ya doing all the things or just spinning wheels around the same thing -- but like you said, today is another day, off to the races we go again! :)
Yay! 🤗
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