Algol - Beta Persei (Devil eye)

in Space2 years ago

Algol Wikipedia
Algol triple star system in the constellation Perseus
Beta Persei
The Bodleian MS says that Algol's stone is the diamond and plant is black hellebore. Agrippa lists the diamond, black hellebore and adds mugwort. The Bodleian MS says of Algol, "Hellebore juice with an equal amount of wormwood placed under a diamond, etc., brings hatred and courage, preserves the members of the body, and grants vengeance over anyone you wish." Agrippa says that the image of an Algol talisman is "the head of a man with a bloody neck." Regarding its effect, he states: "Тhey report that it bestoweth good success to Petitions, and maketh him who carrieth it bold and magnanimous, and preserveth the members of the body sound: also it helpeth against Witchcraft, and reflecteth evil indeavors and wicked incantations upon our adversaries."

The 2019 Zodiacal longitude of Algol is 26 Taurus 24. Algol is the second brightest star of the constellation Perseus, and is thus sometimes referred to as Beta Persei. The name Algol, says Richard Hinckley Allen, comes from the Arabic Ras Al-Ghul, which literally means the Mischief Maker.[12] In traditional predictive sources on the fixed stars, Algol has a fierce reputation. However, that malefic energy is turned outward in an Algol talisman. Algol talismans are our most popular and most powerful spiritual protection talismans. Agrippa notes that Algol acts as a mirror, reflecting back all negative spiritual influences on the sender. One user described Algol as being like a guard dog, rambunctious at first, then settling down and going out and directly neutralizing spiritual threats. I have had multiple reports and have myself experienced Algol's tendency to cause electrical and electronic interference when the talisman is first used. I mysteriously lost my Internet connection for an hour and my electronic thermostat died. One user had his entire block lose power. Less frequently but still regularly clients have reported that while wearing their Algol talisman, "weird" or "freaky" people took one look at them and fled. Algol incense - Don't burn black hellebore! It is toxic. However, mugwort is readily available and a good specific incense for Algol. You could use black or red candles for Algol, but he/she is fierce enough that I prefer to tone things down a bit and use white candles. Algol is fine if you are respectful, but do make particular effort with Algol to get the timing right and to treat the talisman, candle, image, altar, etc. with respect.

In Chinese, 大陵 (Dà Líng), meaning Mausoleum, refers to an asterism consisting of β Persei, 9 Persei, τ Persei, ι Persei, κ Persei, ρ Persei, 16 Persei and 12 Persei. Consequently, the Chinese name for β Persei itself is 大陵五 (Dà Líng wu, English: The Fifth Star of Mausoleum.).According to R.H. Allen the star bore the grim name of Tseih She 積屍 (Zhi Shī), meaning "Piled up Corpses"but this appears to be a misidentification, and Dié Shī is correctly π Persei, which is inside the Mausoleum.

Source: Christopher Warnock