Star Cluster Pleiades (7 sisters 👯‍♀️ )

in Space2 years ago

The Bodleian MS says the stone of the Pleiades is rock crystal and the plant is fennel. Agrippa lists "Crystall, and the stone Diodocus; amongst Plants, the Hearb Diacedon, and Frankincense, and Fennill: and amongst Metals, Quick-silver." The Bodleian MS says of the Pleiades, "the Moon conjunct the Pleiades rising or at midheaven, preserves the eyesight, summons demons and the spirits of the dead, calls the winds, and reveals secrets and things that are lost." Agrippa says the image and effects of a Pleiades talisman are, a little Virgin, or the Figure of a Lamp; its reported to increase the light of the eyes, to assemble Spirits, to raise Winds, to reveal secret and hidden things." The 2019 Zodiacal longitude of the Pleiades is 0 Gemini 14. Actually this is the longitude of Alcyone, the brightest of the seven stars of the Pleiades, which we use for Pleiades talisman elections. The fixed star cluster of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, is found in the shoulder of the constellation Taurus. The Pleiades are another example of fixed stars that are considered malefic in predictive astrology, but are definitely positive in astrological magic. These are the fixed star talismans that I recommend for anyone interested in improving their magical skills or the power of their invocations. They are also useful for discovering esoteric knowledge. Working with this talisman, I suddenly found an ancient invocation of the Pleiades in the Greek Magical Papyri as well as the sigils of the 36 faces/decans. Frankincense is appropriate incense for the Pleiades. White is an appropriate color for their candles. Since there are seven stars in the Pleiades cluster, seven candles would be best.
Invocation of the Pleiades
Oh, star cluster of the Pleiades, O, Seven Sisters, I call upon thee, in your names of Alcyone, Maia, Taygete, Electra, Celodno, Sterope and Merope, that you infuse this talisman with your power, pneuma and spirit. I call upon you, holy angel ZIZAUBIO, from the company of the Pleiades to whom you are subordinate and serve for all things, for whatever she may command you, you great, indestructible, fire breathing one, who cast the rope of heaven, through which rope all things turn upon earth. And also I call upon you yourselves who are angels who have been stationed beneath [ZIZAUBIO's] power. Hence I call upon you all that you come quickly in this night and reveal to me clearly and firmly, concerning all matters I desire and that you infuse this talisman with your power, pneuma and spirit. I conjure you, O lord, who rise above the earth of the whole cosmic region, by the one ruling the whole inhabited world and the benefactor of all. Hence I call upon in this night and ask that you infuse this talisman with your power, pneuma and spirit, O angel ZIZAUBIO May this talisman protect the light of the eyes, gather daimons and spirits of the dead to come and speak and make [the wearer] to know of secret and hidden things. I ask this in the name of the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, Alcyone, Maia, Taygete, Electra, Celoeno, Sterope and Merope and in the name of the angel of the Pleiades, ZIZAUBIO and all of the spirits of the Pleiades.

Source: 1st and 3rd paragraphs, Nigel Jackson; 2nd paragraph, Greek Magical Papyri, trans. Betz, page 140, PGM VII, 795-845 at 830