Watercolor face

in MakeUp Poweryesterday


Hoy tenía ganas de algo artístico, hice un maquillaje con efectos de acuarelas usando pinturas corporales a base a agua, disolví estas pinturas con muchísima agua para lograr ese efecto y decidí hacerlo con tonalidades, rojas, naranjas, amarillas y azul, algo que me gusta de este tipo de maquillajes es que da demasiada libertad a loa hora de pintar, no tiene que ser perfecto, solo disfrutarlo y al final obtienes un resultado muy bonito con colores super llamativos que asemejan una obra de arte, espero que les guste.

Today I wanted to do something artistic, I did a make up with watercolor effects using water based body paints, I dissolved these paints with lots of water to achieve that effect and I decided to do it with shades of red, orange, yellow and blue, something I like about this type of make up is that it gives too much freedom when painting, it doesn't have to be perfect, just enjoy it and at the end you get a very nice result with super bright colors that resemble a work of art, I hope you like it.

Corazón banner (1).png


Mi idea principal era no solo cubrir el rostro, sino tambien el cuello y parte del pecho, sin embargo, note que em quedaba muy poca pintura blanca y solo me alcanzo para el rostro, aplique la pintura y luego la selle con polvo traslucido, después tome una pintura azul y maquille mis cejas, después empecé a mezclar los colores comenzando por un tono naranja, lo aplique en la frente, ojos barbilla y nariz, luego mezcle este naranja con rojo y finalmente amarillo, en cada pincelada remojaba bastante el pincel para lograr ese efecto de acuarela.

My main idea was not only to cover the face, but also the neck and part of the chest, however, I noticed that I had very little white paint left and I only had enough for the face, I applied the paint and then sealed it with translucent powder, then I took a blue paint and made up my eyebrows, then I started to mix the colors starting with an orange tone, I applied it on the forehead, eyes, chin and nose, then I mixed this orange with red and finally yellow, in each brushstroke I soaked the brush enough to achieve that watercolor effect .


Poco a poco fui construyendo el rostro con estos colores y luego comencé a aplicar el azul, a pesar de que logre el efecto de acuarela habían zonas donde necesitaba intensificar los colores, asi que tome sombra de ojos de todos los colores que utilice y cubrí las partes donde quería el color más intenso, pinte mis labios de rojo y sin mucho cuidado ya que debía verse desordenado, tambien aplique sombra de ojos negra alrededor de los ojos para darle mas profundidad a la mirada, finalice pintando varios puntos de luz en la nariz, labios y pómulos.

Little by little I was building the face with these colors and then I started to apply the blue, even though I achieved the watercolor effect there were areas where I needed to intensify the colors, so I took eye shadow of all the colors I used and covered the parts where I wanted the most intense color, I painted my lips red and without much care as it should look messy, I also applied black eye shadow around the eyes to give more depth to the look, I finished painting several points of light on the nose, lips and cheeks.


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Al final tambien quise agregar un poco de color en el cabello y coloque pinturas azules, naranjas y amarillas, me pareció buena idea hasta que llego la hora de desmaquillarme, realmente fue horrible quitar esta pintura de mi cabeza jajaja

At the end I also wanted to add some color to my hair and I put blue, orange and yellow paints, I thought it was a good idea until it was time to remove my makeup, it was really horrible to remove this paint from my head hahaha.








Wow wow wow! 😍

OMG I THOUGHT IT WAS A PAINTING 😮😮😮 This is beautiful mami 🥹🥹🥹

 4 hours ago  

Aww thank you so much! ❤😁😁

Paint you own face, interesting concept, looks a good result

 4 hours ago  
