Hello my dear dente linda of this community, so fabulous today I bring you an amazing makeup inspired in black and white eyeliner with angel crown, I hope you like it without more to say let's start.

Paso 1: Como siempre comienzo aplicando una sombra o pomada en mis cejas y luego aplico un corrector en mis parpados para así aplicar una sombra marrón en mis parpados a toquesitos y luego difuminamos, ahora realizamos u delineado blanco pequeño.
Step 1: As always I start by applying a shadow or pomade on my eyebrows and then I apply a concealer on my eyelids and then I apply a brown shadow on my eyelids in small touches and then we blend, now we do a small white eyeliner.
Paso 2: Ahora realizo un delineador negro en la parte arriba, con mucho cuidado aplique una base de salome en el tono 2 y la difumino muy bien, me aplico polvo traslucido, rubor y iluminador para sellar.
Step 2: Now I make a black eyeliner on the top, carefully apply a salome base in tone 2 and blend it very well, I apply translucent powder, blush and highlighter to seal.
Paso 3: Por ultimo realizo una corona para darle toque de ángel y mascara de pestañas y un labial.
Step 3: Finally I make a crown to give it an angel touch and mascara and lipstick.
This was the final result, I love this makeup easy and with few products this makeup was an inspiration I hope you liked it as much as me, see you in the next blog.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría.
All photos are by me.