Estamos de regreso señores con el maquillaje, no saben lo feliz que me hizo maquillarme, sin duda alguna a veces necesitamos conectar con algunas cosas de nuestro interior para ser felices, decidí unirme a la iniciativa de estas semanas planteada por mi ami preciosa @lucianav.
La verdad el terror no es exclusivo de octubre, lo que pasa, es que solemos asociarlo con Halloween, pero, realmente nuestra creatividad no debe estar limitada a algunos meses; sinceramente hacer este maquillaje me pareció demasiado divertido para mi creatividad como maquilladora.
Me inspire en ser una especie de muñeca rota o sangrienta, me hubiese gustado tener un fondo negro, pero, a falta de él, tampoco me detuve, la verdad es que realizar este maquillaje me tomo como una hora, empecé por los ojos y a nivel de maquillaje de rostro, solo use, base corrector y contorno, no quise agregar rubor porque no era lo que quería proyectar. Quedan pocas horas para que termine esta iniciativa, pero, si me gustaría ver a @lqch hacer algo de terror, tengo entendido que podemos participar aunque haya pasado el tiempo.
Espero que les guste este maquillaje, quiero traer más cosas como estas.
Nos vemos prontito.
We are back with the makeup, you don't know how happy I was to do my makeup, no doubt sometimes we need to connect with some things inside us to be happy, I decided to join the initiative of these weeks proposed by my beautiful ami @lucianav.
The truth is that horror is not exclusive to October, what happens is that we tend to associate it with Halloween, but, really our creativity should not be limited to some months; honestly doing this makeup seemed too much fun for my creativity as a makeup artist.
I was inspired to be a kind of broken or bloody doll, I would have liked to have a black background, but, for lack of it, I didn't stop, the truth is that doing this makeup took me about an hour, I started with the eyes and face makeup, I only used foundation, concealer and contour, I did not want to add blush because it was not what I wanted to project. There are a few hours left for this initiative to end, but, yes I would like to see @lqch do something scary, I understand that we can participate even if the time has passed.
I hope you like this makeup, I want to bring more stuff like this.
See you soon.
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