The community #makeuppower has given us the value to many of experimental and make art in our faces, however the excessive use of products can damage our skin, it is necessary to consider removing perfectly the makeup and pamper our skin with masks, toners, exfoliants and more, in the month of October I made several proposals scary to commemorate halloween I was very pleased with all the results, but my skin felt the impact of all the products I used, I'm not used to make up regularly after so many creations my skin was sensitive, so I decided to give it a week of rest, apply various creams and masks to help their recovery, with that reason this post was born, in which I will show you how to make a face mask based on banana and oats.
▪️ La banana, es un gran humectante para la piel al usarla en mascarillas se obtiene una piel radiante, ayuda a rejuvenecer el cutis, es perfecta para las pieles sensibles por su alto contenido de antioxidantes.
The banana, is a great moisturizer for the skin when used in masks is obtained a radiant skin, helps rejuvenate the skin, is perfect for sensitive skin for its high content of antioxidants.
▪️ La avena, limpia el cutis de forma profunda, ayuda a remover la suciedad de los poros, elimina impurezas y piel muerta del rostro. Además calma la irritación del cutis.
The oatmeal, cleanses the skin deeply, helps remove dirt from the pores, removes impurities and dead skin from the face. It also soothes skin irritation.
Preparación de la mascarilla. || Preparation of the mask.
Aplicación de la mascarilla. || Application of the mask.
When you remove it you can immediately feel a smoother and fresher skin, but as any natural treatment consistency is the key to see longer lasting results, if you have sensitive skin this mask is perfect for you, but as always I recommend before using any natural product, try on one side of your face to notice some reaction.
Thank you for reading this publication!
Imágenes tomadas desde mi Alcatel One Touch Idol 4. || Images taken from my Alcatel One Touch Idol 4.
Separadores hechos en PhotoScape. || Dividers made in PhotoScape.
Ediciones hechas en PhotoScape. || Editions made in PhotoScape.
Translator Deepl.
Imagen incrustada || Embedded image 1
Imagen incrustada || Embedded image 2
Que maravilla!! Nunca he utilizado está mascarilla pero ya me dieron ganas 😍 he realizado las mascarillas de miel con café la piel me quedaba perfecta pero luego lo pare por cuestiones de tiempo pero, no hay nada como cuidarse 😍
Es como tener un desayuno en el rostro ajajaaja, pero tu piel lo agradecerá, gracias por comentar.
Creo que realizaré esto hoy mismo! Me gustó toparme con tu post! Hoy me toca darme cariñito a mi piel!!! racias por compartir...
Me gusta aplicarla luego de realizar maquillajes que requieran bastante producción ajajajaja, es muy buena.
Gracias por comentar.
Excelente :3
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Gracias por comentar.
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