Hola a todos, hoy les saludo de una manera especial.
Hello everyone, today I greet you in a special way.
To you, who are reading this, I send you a big hug, in case you need it. I know that these are difficult times and that many times we are here trying to take our thoughts to other places out of our reality, and out of that overwhelming routine that many times consumes even our energy, many times we load ourselves with situations that do not correspond to us and we feel tired, if that is your case, I take this moment to tell you that Jesus (my Lord, and in whom I have believed) says: "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". So I invite you to know Him, to go to Him so that you may have that rest you have needed so much, so that you may know a love that brings with it PEACE, and not an ephemeral peace as the world offers, a true peace that only in Him can we find.
Sé que este post trata de maquillaje, pero quise aprovechar para dejar estas pequeñas palabras de aliento, sé que a alguien pueden servirle.
I know this post is about makeup, but I wanted to take the opportunity to leave these little words of encouragement, I know that someone may find it useful.

Dicho esto, iniciemos con el maquillaje que quiero compartirles el día de hoy. Quiero confesar que ha sido uno de mis favoritos. Inicié con un color bastante suave, algo simple y muy claro.
That said, let's start with the makeup I want to share with you today. I want to confess that it has been one of my favorites. I started with a very soft color, something simple and very light.

Disfruto mucho maquillarme, últimamente lo hago para hacer menos dura mi rutina diaria, para no pensar demasiado en cosas que no me hacen bien.
Lo siguiente es lo que la mayoría del tiempo hago: ir aplicando sombras más oscuras y difuminar muy bien.
I really enjoy doing my makeup, lately I do it to make my daily routine less hard, so I don't think too much about things that don't do me good.
Next is what I do most of the time: I apply darker shades and blend very well.

Siento que el maquillaje es más que simplemente aplicar sombras, a través de él podemos expresar muchísimo sin decir ni una sola palabra.
I feel that makeup is more than just applying shadows, through it we can express so much without saying a single word.

Luego de aplicar todas las sombras, lo que hago es pegar mis pestañas postizas y aplicar algo de brillo en el lagrimal.
After applying all the shadows, what I do is glue on my false lashes and apply some glitter on the tear trough.

Debo ser sincera. Este es el maquillaje número 12 que me hago desde que empecé en este mundo del maquillaje (y ha sido el mejor hasta ahora), reconozco que he mejorado en gran manera y me siento feliz por eso, estoy aprendiendo a reconocer mis propios logros. A alegrarme por mí y de mí.
I have to be honest. This is the 12th makeup I've done since I started in this world of makeup (and it has been the best so far), I recognize that I have improved greatly and I'm happy for that, I'm learning to recognize my own achievements. To be happy for me and about me.