Hello! beautiful and radiant people of HIVE
I hope you are super well today.
¡Hola! gente hermosa y radiante de HIVE
Espero se encuentren super bien el día de hoy.
Yesterday I was checking my Instagram and I found a makeup in these shades, I didn't like the makeup itself but I loved the colors. So I took my makeup case and I got down to work, to elaborate a makeup that would take these shades and that I liked, that would look cute and glamorous, when I finished it I loved it I loved the result, I felt that I achieved what I wanted 💕 What cost me a little was the eyeliner because when I started the makeup I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do with it, but as I was drawing lines with the eyeliner, I liked it a lot 🥰 Anyway, without anything else to add, let's start with the makeup.
Para los materiales de hoy utilicé la base, los correctores, sombras fucsia y verde, delineador en gel, el contorno, iluminador, blush, fijador de maquillaje, gloss.
For today's materials I used foundation, concealers, fuchsia and green shadows, gel eyeliner, contour, highlighter, blush, makeup fixer, gloss.
El procedimiento de este maquillaje lo puedes ver en el siguiente video:
You can see the procedure of this make-up in the following video:
¡Y listo! El maquillaje está hecho.
And ready! The makeup is done.
Espero les haya gustado mi post y sería de gran alegría para mi si les sirve de ayuda.
I hope you liked my post and it would be a great joy for me if it helps you.
Youtube Canal de maquillaje
Youtube canal de misterio
Hermoso maquillaje @latiffaki Éxitos linda🌸
Muchas gracias hermosa 🥰 ¡Un abrazo! 🤗
De nada amiga linda 😍