Hello! beautiful and radiant people of HIVE
I hope you are super well today.
¡Hola! gente hermosa y radiante de HIVE
Espero se encuentren super bien el día de hoy.
Today I woke up wanting to experiment again with eyeliners, honestly I love doing these types of makeup, as it allows us to explore our creativity, an eyeliner that at first was something simple we can transform it into many things. In addition, this time I accompanied it with some gold and copper glitters that were spectacular, I love these colors and they make the beauty of the eyeliner stand out even more. So anyway, with nothing more to add, let's start with the eyeliner.
Para los materiales de hoy utilicé la base, los correctores, delineador en gel, brillos dorados y cobres, pedrería, el contorno, iluminador, blush, fijador de maquillaje, gloss.
For today's materials I used foundation, concealers, gel eyeliner, gold and copper glitters, rhinestones, contour, highlighter, blush, makeup fixer, gloss.
El procedimiento de este maquillaje lo puedes ver en el siguiente video:
You can see the procedure of this make-up in the following video:
¡Y listo! El maquillaje está hecho.
And ready! The makeup is done.
Espero les haya gustado mi post y sería de gran alegría para mi si les sirve de ayuda.
I hope you liked my post and it would be a great joy for me if it helps you.
Youtube Canal de maquillaje
Youtube canal de misterio