Queen Narissa
Contest: Recreate a Villain
I hope you are super well, today I will be participating in the initiative of @mayifiestas who very kindly invited me to participate, the challenge is to make the makeup of a villain and not only this, an original story must also be created about why he became a villain , more than great and fun, although for me it was not so much because I stressed a bit trying to recreate the character I chose, since her wardrobe was not easy at all so I had to put my imagination to fly, but with a little editing, I had to watch some tutorial videos to learn how to do it hehe, but I think this makeup was very funny. For this contest I wanted to play a villain that I love is called Queen Narissa, it is from the Disney movie entitled "Enchanted" and I like it a lot because it is like a kind of collage of all the classic Disney princess movies, but with a focus more modern, in fact the character of this queen is inspired by the most popular villains; Maleficent, Cinderella's Stepmother and Snow White's Stepmother Best of all, the settings range from classic Disney animation to real life.
Para realizar este maquillaje utilicé: base, lápiz delineador, corrector líquido, polvos sueltos blancos, sombra de ojos, pestañas, contorno, rubor, labial, papel, bordado líquido plateado, tijeras, lápiz, editores de fotos.
To make this makeup I used: foundation, eyeliner pencil, liquid concealer, white loose powder, eyeshadow, eyelashes, contour, blush, lipstick, paper, silver liquid embroidery, scissors, pencil, photo editors.
La historia de la reina Narissa (mi versión)
Narissa desde su nacimiento era una chica muy vanidosa y divertida, ella creció y se convirtió en una reina muy simpática y alegre, tenía poderes mágicos y le gustaba cumplir deseos, le gustaba pasar mucho tiempo en su castillo y organizar fiestas para lucir los vestidos más fabulosos. A pesar de ser una reina muy simpática tenía un lado negativo y era su lado vanidoso, no podía permitir nunca que nadie luciera mejor que ella, todos en la aldea lo sabían así que nadie se atrevía a destacar para no hacerla molestar.
Un día la reina Narissa se dispuso a experimentar con un poco de magia para rejuvenecerse y lucir más bella, pero todo salió mal, sucedió todo lo contrario, primero se convirtió en un horrible dragón, luego intento solucionarlo y termino luciendo como una anciana esto causo una gran ira en ella no lo podía soportar y no sabía como repararlo, tenía miedo de que todo fuese peor. Su solución para esta situación fue crear muchas manzanas envenenadas y dárselas a todas las chicas del lugar para convertirlas en un horrible animal o en una anciana con muchas arrugas y así ella poder lucir mejor que las demás, se había convertido en una terrible villana.
Poco tiempo después los aldeanos descubrieron que Narissa era la causante de todo ese infortunio y las chicas les empezaron a temer, ya nadie quería comer manzanas ni ninguna otra fruta, esto le causa una gran ira a la reina Narissa provocando que se convirtiera en dragón nuevamente, todos empezaron a correr muy asustados, pero ya era muy tarde Narissa había expulsado fuego de su boca calcinando todo el lugar y sus habitantes.
The story of Queen Narissa (my version)
Narissa from birth was a very vain and funny girl, she grew up and became a very nice and cheerful queen, she had magical powers and liked to fulfill wishes, she liked to spend a lot of time in her castle and organize parties to show off the most beautiful dresses fabulous. Despite being a very nice queen, she had a negative side and it was the vain side of her, she could never allow anyone to look better than her, everyone in the village knew it so no one dared to stand out so as not to upset her.
One day Queen Narissa set out to experiment with a little magic to rejuvenate and look more beautiful, but everything went wrong, the opposite happened, first she turned into a horrible dragon, then she tried to fix it and ended up looking like an old woman. A great anger in her could not bear it and she did not know how to repair it, she was afraid that everything would be worse. Her solution for this situation was to create many poisoned apples and give them to all the girls in the place to turn them into a horrible animal or an old woman with many wrinkles so that she could look better than the others, she had become a terrible villain.
A short time later the villagers discovered that Narissa was the cause of all this misfortune and the girls began to fear them, and no one wanted to eat apples or any other fruit, this causes a great anger to Queen Narissa causing her to become a dragon again They all started running very scared, but it was too late. Narissa had expelled fire from her mouth, calcining the whole place and its inhabitants.