Cosplay Rin // My first cosplay

in MakeUp Power3 years ago

I've already created some characters, but I've never cosplayed an anime, game, or cartoon character, or an actor from a movie or TV series, but I've wanted to for a long time.


So today I decided to make a cosplay for a character from my favorite anime. I decided to make Rin because there are no very heavy details in the clothes. And my everyday hair and hair color is also suitable for this cosplay.
It was decided to make a cosplay for this beautiful girl.
The first problem I had was that I couldn't find where to get the bandage tied on her forehead. At first I thought to glue a gray plate of felt on the tape, but the tape in our house did not work out and had to make a bandage made entirely of felt.



After I fastened the bandage on my forehead, which I did not succeed in the first attempt, I began to draw purple stripes on her cheeks. Honestly, I don't know if they just need beauty or if they need something.
After I drew purple stripes on her cheeks, I found another problem that arose in the process of creating this cosplay. It's that I didn't have the right clothes for her, I suffered from it for a long time and decided to wear a regular violet shirt with short sleeves and black pants.
And that's what happened to me.






I also made a shuriken out of paper.
