TooFuckeh reward if Trump gets jail time.

in MemeHive8 months ago

Let us generate some positive energy from a negative energy generator.

Trump is a Negative Energy Generator


Our #PEPT TooFuckeh Award Winner #1 could see some jail time. TooFuckeh is a problem solving token and a MEME income generator.

Today, FJ is giving away some tokens. Do you want 10,000 TooFuckeh tokens?

Here is 3 things to do to earn some tokens that you can sell for a profit later. Or, now. PEPT has a buyback policy to give holders an opportunity to sell their tokens.


  1. You are subscribed to Project ePaytraffic community.

  2. You hold a minimum of one (1) PEPTide

  3. Post that you hope Trump gets some jail time.

If Trump gets jail time and you satisfy the above conditions @fjworld will send you 10,000 tokens. If Trump does not get jail time and you satisfy the above conditions you will get 1,000 tokens.

Wishing everyone a great day and looking forward to seeing Trump in an Orange Jumpsuit.


I think so.


He should be in jail now. The justice system is under some stress testing. !LOLZ

Guilty on all charges.

The egghead himself, if Trump got jail time, but I don't think so.