in Treasures of Europelast year (edited)

Today I'm gonna show you a series of photographs taken during the last days of October 2012.


Have a good viewing.

This cloud was floating above the biggest church in my hometown on the morning of the 29th of October.

I just finished my weekly shopping in one of the local supermarkets and took the photograph from the parking lot.

In this simple Photoshop creation, I reimagined the cloud as a cloud-shaped comic book bubble filled with just one simple Christian thought produced by the mind of the local priest situated in the church tower.

This UFO-like cloud was photographed two days later. The thing was floating in the sky above the harbor.

On the 28th of October, I was walking from the house where I live to the small grocery store about five hundred meters from there. As you can see in this shot, I photographed some autumn leaves that fell on the gray asphalt of the narrow street I was following. But that's not all I photographed on that occasion. In the following picture made of four closely related shots ...


... you can take a look at some details from the rugged facade of one of the old houses along the way.


These sleepy moths were resting on the same facade. The name of the species is Triodia adriatica, and it belongs to the Hepialidae family.


I like rugged textures, so I took four more photographs while exploring that facade.

Here you can take a look at the scenery near the center of the old town, not far from the little main square.

At one point, I passed by a recently built brick house and photographed the Parietaria judaica plant attached to it.

The Cymbalaria muralis plant shown in this photograph has grown on the stone garden wall of another house in that area.

On the 25th of October, I spent some time in the coastal area called Palera, three or four kilometers from the village of Liznjan, and about seven or eight kilometers from Medulin - my hometown. The wind was very strong, the waves were pretty tall, and there was plenty of foam on the shore.


Brought by the wind, some of that foam ended up on the nearby meadow where it looked like snow.

Here you can see the pole that signals the rocks just below the surface surrounded by deeper water in the middle of the bay. The waves in that area looked impressive and dangerous. And they probably were dangerous. No boat was out on the sea that day.

The foam was really fascinating. I had a small, nonexpensive compact camera with me so I wasn't afraid of all the salty droplets and high humidity around me. The seawater ended up damaging the camera at the end of the day, but the damage was only partial. The camera was still working and I took many more photographs with it in the following years.


Two days later, in my hometown, I photographed the damaged, washed-out flag waving in the gentle breeze.

The sunny and cloudy periods were following each other throughout the day. Here you can take a look at the outburst of sunlight above the rooftops in my neighborhood.


At one point, the sun surfaced from a thick layer of clouds ...


... and became visible through a much thinner layer of smoke-like clouds.

The sky above me looked pretty impressive ...


... and the sun looked like a new planet that just entered the Earth's orbit.

I followed the sun through the lens of my small, half-broken camera, and as you can see, I took plenty of photographs on that occasion.

I also photographed the collared dove that was resting on the top of one of the trees in my yard. I played a bit with that scene in Photoshop and discovered that it looks better after the Invert option is applied.

I was walking across my hometown on the 30th of October ...

... directed to one of the supermarkets at the edge of town ...

... and I took plenty of photographs along the way.

This weevil, a beetle from the Curculionidae family - can't tell you the name of the species, was resting on the front facade of one of the relatively new houses in my neighborhood.


At the gate of the garden across the street, I photographed a spider.

This is the Zygiella x-notata, a spider from the Araneidae family.

About two or three hundred meters further, on the facade of another house, I photographed the Pomatias elegans, a snail from the Pomatiidae family.

On the facade of a small abandoned house in that area, I photographed the last green leaves on some decorative vine that was growing there.

In the area near the harbor, I stopped to photograph a group of small snails on the asphalt of the sidewalk. The snails were climbing the small twig that somehow ended down on the humid ground.

In the small park behind the gas station, less than a hundred meters from there, I stopped to see what was going on among the foliage fallen from the fig trees that grow there. In this shot, you can see the small leaf of a decorative shrub that fell on the much larger leaf of the fig.

Here you can take a good look at a bunch of fig leaves on the lawn.

I photographed some small creatures in that place. This is the biggest of them.
The mottled shieldbug (Rhaphigaster nebulosa).

Here you can see the very small nymph of some leafhopper from the Cicadellidae family.

Here you can see an adult leafhopper. Can't tell you the name of the species.

Here you can (barely) see a small black insect that I wasn't able to identify. It's a bug (order Hemiptera), that's all I can say.


The minuscule green creature in the center of this shot is a springtail. The Sminthurus viridis. A springtail from the Sminthuridae family.

After buying some ordinary edibles in the supermarket, on the way back home, I photographed this Gibbaranea bituberculata spider on the facade of one of the houses near the center of the old town.

In the same street, two or three houses further ...


... I photographed a group of snails on another facade.

This street lamp was, and still is, attached to the lateral facade of that house.


This spider was photographed in my yard ...

... and so is this detail from some old decaying thing that I'm not able to identify today.



Wow, you really took very interesting and artistic pictures with your "half-broken" camera! My favorite is the last photo of the foam, which looks like a painted picture.
I think I once read about the cause of this foam, but now I can't remember the explanation for this phenomenon at all. Is this pollution?
Thanks for sharing once again the detailed magical world you reveal with your camera. Regardless of what type it exactly is, the effect is always wonderful and outstanding 😊

The cloud photos are amazing. It's like Casper. Lol.

The pictures looks like it was taken in the 19s decades

That's awesome. I like this weather especially in hot sunny days, its very cool to see clouds. In my country the temperature is going on increasing and I just hope to have rain.

i loved the ones of the snails they have a lot of detail, i love how you always focus on these little details

I love all the photos, one of my favorites is the one with the lantern.

Awesome pictures, the night view of the sky looks beautiful and stunning, other picture are looks so creative 👍😉

Out of all, I like the picture of that bird
It looks extremely amazing

Awesome photography! 👌

Really beautiful pictures and love the dark clouds.

This scene in the sky is in one word amazing. Such a scene seems as if a printer has created the sweetness of his mind which is really charming.

Many great photos you have shared with us Today, but I love the "foamy sea" picture best (not sure why, just a nice perspective (POV) I think ... !LOLZ 👌

What did the retired detective call his new real-estate business?
Sherlock Homes.

Credit: reddit
@borjan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @fun.farms



This kind of weather is rare and the way we are seeing this piece of cloud looks very beautiful. I totally appreciate your struggle you have 2012 pictures.

amazing pics as always sir🥰

It's a great view of the cloud image that your best friend shows.


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@soulsdetour(1/5) tipped @borjan