Greetings to you all my beloved! My name is Camillus Chukwudi Agu (@cammy-cardo). This is my first post in this noble community and I pledged to be active and comply to the rules of this community.

I decided to write this article on rape because of its high occurrences in our world today and it's effects in our society.




Rape is one of the societal cankerworm ravaging and eating up one of the most essential fabrics of the society - the human being. So half-beaked, is the idea that rape means a forceful engagement in a sexual activity with the female counterpart by men. For compartmental and scholarly grasp of its cognition, it is any sexual activity devoid of rational consent. Its effect in the society has been subject to multiple questions and of great concern for many.

This very social evil has causes and effects in the life of its unfortunate victim and in turn affects the society. This article proposes some steps to curb the level of its occurrence and effects on the society.

I am yet to see the human society that takes pleasure in this social mess that leaves an indelible imprint on the minds of unfortunate victims. The very fact is this: no one can adequately fathom the life-plight and traumatic condition of the victims of rape, except its direct victims. "He who wears the shoe know where it pinches him/her" (Onye omere amarala).


From Etymological perspective, the word ‘rape’ stemmed from a Latin word "repere" which means to seize prey, to abduct, to take or carry by force. The word rape has been enjoying myriads of definitions from scholars and schools of thought. What forms the nexus between them all rest on the followings: It is not willful, it is forceful and without mutual consent and among several others.

This connection furnishes my idea of rape to be any form of sexual act or suppose, that is devoid of mature mutual consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent (the minors and amoral).


Rape can be rationally grouped into different ways and this depend on the circumstances in which it occurs, by the identity of the victim or that of the perpetrator.

Date rape: It is a non-domestic rape committed by someone who knows the victim and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA). The rapist intentionally and consciously drugs the victim with a date rape drug so that they are incapacitated in giving valid consent.


Gang rape: This occurs when a group of people participate in the rape of a single victim/s.

Marital rape: This can also be known as Spousal rape and it is between a married or de facto couple without one spouse's consent. Spousal rape is regarded as a form of domestic violence and sexual abuse globally.


Child Rape: Rape of a child is a form of child sexual abuse. When committed by another child (usually older or stronger) or adolescent, it is called child-on-child sexual abuse.


Prison rape: This is a type of rave that occurs in the prison. Rates of prison rape have been reported as affecting between 3% and 12% of prison inmates. Although prison rapes are more commonly same-sex crimes (since prisons are usually separated by sex), This phenomenon is less common in the western world, because of the structure of their prison system.


Payback rape: This type of rape is also known as revenge rape. "punishment rape". It could be an act of revenge over and ill-act done.

War rape: This is a type of rape done by soldiers or civilians during intercommunity or intertribal conflict or war. This type of rape is targeted at humiliating the enemies and showing the inability of their soldiers to protect their territory.


Rape by deception: Rape by deception occurs when the perpetrator gains the victim's agreement through fraud and empty promises.


  1. Psychological problem.
  2. Pleasure reason.
  3. Ritual reason.
  4. Revenge/ payback
  5. Dealing with rejection.
  6. Feeling of superior to women.
  7. High level of indecent dressing and pornographic material consumption.


A lot of life dreams, ambitions, goals and destinies have been shattered and disrupted simply because of a momentary act of sexual aggrandizement. This has successfully led some to so many things like abortion, single and single motherhood, marital complications, inferiority complex, sex addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, rejection of the opposite sex, self-blame which can lead to suicide, dropping out from school and other health related issues like, Sexual Transmitted diseases, urinary infection, uterine fibroid, bleeding of the clitoris and cervix, especially those whom such unfortunate incident marks the beginning of their sex-life story.


  1. Education and enlightenment.
    Sex education (This should begin from the family).
  2. Strict and effective governmental laws and policies on immoral dressing and rape.
  3. Preoccupying one's mind with positive thoughts. (Say No To Idleness)
  4. Share your thoughts with positive minds.
  5. Avoid pornography materials.
  6. Establishment of instructional safe defense centers.


  1. Always exercise your body to ease of some accumulated tensions.



The call to eradicate this societal monster called rape, that is perspicuously destroying the future of our society is a call for all and not for a selected few. It should be a unanimous fight to put an end to, because of its adverse effects on the society. What is the gain of momentary pleasure, riches and all that we thought that we can achieve through rape? The lady you rape today, may turn out to be either your life partner or step to your greatness tomorrow. For the rapists, remember that the incessant cries of your victims are before the judgement throne of karma.

There are plethora of textbooks, journals, magazines and articles (published and unpublished) of rape related issues, yet, they have not militated the rate of rape tells on our society. I sincerely implore you all my patient and wonderful readers that we should do more of practicing effectively, all we have written and constantly pray to the Being we believe to have created and desired the flourishing of our human society, to hearken to our cries and heal our society from this catastrophically bedevilment besieging our society.
Finally, this piece of article never claim to have exhausted all needed to be said about the rate at which the social evil is dealing with our society.

Material sources
1.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_rape (Accessed: 26/03/2022)
2.The National Center for Biotechnology Information is part of the United States National Library of Medicine, a branch of the National Institutes of Health. It is approved and funded by the government of the United States.Wikipedia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2438589/ (Accessed: 26/03/2022)

This article is open to corrections, constructive criticisms, comments and observations for knowledge sake.


This is so good!!!
It is so educative and enriching!!!

Moral decadence or moral decline is at a high peak in this contemporary era. Every day when we open our phones, we hear different news and stories on different news outlets and social media about these moral vices. More people get involved and even young ones are also influenced.

Among these vices, Rape is one of the deadliest vices, a cankerworm ravaging our society.

You have taken your time to outline various aspects and themes in Rape and this is so wonderful. And like you said

It should be a unanimous fight to put an end to, because of its adverse effects on the society.

We all need to put hand together to deal with this Virus, deadlier than Covid-19.

Thank you for this beautiful piece

sharing !LUV !PIZZA with you

Ksam, I can't thank you enough for making out time to read my post. Just as you pointed out rightly, moral decadence is at its high rate now. I believe that the society can come up with some measures to minimize the cause and effects of moral decadence.

But the problem is: who makes the laws in the society?

If 75% of those seated at the upper echelon choose to vote for an immoral law, do you think there's any hope or revival for that society?

Ksam, may God bless you for making such a point. But irrespective of all the societal laws and punishments attached to the culprit, what percentage has it helped in reducing the rate of these social evils? I am not in any way playing down on the relevance of societal laws and punishments . The fact is this, how has families helped in inculcating moral values on their children? The family is the fundamental nucleus of the society and once we get it all wrong from our family, it's very hard to adjust or discard.

This is a problem that everyone has to be fully involved...

  • The Family (nucleus of the society) should be involved
  • Even Friends (but the case of peer pressure has shown that friends make people do negative more than positive things)
  • The society
  • Those in power
  • Educational institution
  • Other institutions

Many more...
All must work together in harmony


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