in Love & Sexuality2 years ago (edited)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we were all born not to look identical to one another, but to create our own path of self defined beauty. If no one else has told you this today then I will, you are a beautiful, ethereal being with every hair, zit, scar, stretch mark, and/or roll serving as an extension of said beauty.

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What does that actually imply, though? Does this imply that everyone has their own unique tastes and preferences and that no one has the right to comment on or make judgments about the appearance of others? .... Does this imply that we should all accept ourselves and one another for who we are and that beauty standards are worthless and arbitrary? Does this imply that beauty is an enigmatic property that cannot be described or quantified and that can only be perceived by the heart?

Okay, no. Not quite. In actuality, a person's perception of beauty merely depends on their level of blindness, intoxication, or delusion. Otherwise, there are definite and consistent standards for what makes someone attractive or not, and beauty is fairly objective and universal. As an illustration, consider symmetry, proportion, harmony, balance, contrast, and clarity....... These are scientific facts, not random conclusions. They also apply to everything that can be seen, including animals, plants, landscapes, works of art, buildings, and human faces and bodies.

So why do people believe that one's perception of beauty is subjective? Because they either lie, are illiterate, or are being polite. Sometimes people tell lies to hide their flaws or failings from others or themselves. Sometimes they are illiterate and incapable of knowing better. They can also be courteous and avoid provoking conflict or hurting anyone's feelings. But they are aware of the reality deep within. They are aware that beauty is not in the beholder's eye, but rather in the beholder's lenses. Additionally, people can have a different perspective if they take them off.

Be proud of who you are and do not make anyone make you less beautiful based on their thoughts or ideas of what is beautiful... go out there andenjoy yourself and be who you are meant to be.
thanks for reading