Great tips there!
You can get annoyed they've left the towel on the floor again or you can realize that's your thing and hang up the towel without saying anything. Yes, the towel is a symbol for a lot of things. Don't sweat the small stuff if the good stuff outweighs the petty annoyances. At the same time, let them know the towel thing upsets you. They might love you enough to change it. Or not, and you have to decide if that's worth leaving them for. Dont forget you can be annoying too.
Haha, can relate.. so true and the older I get the more I think before I speak when these things happen.. letting it slide because it's not worth the energy..
A good sense of humour helps. This man makes me laugh nearly every day.
That's funny to read because maybe 8-9 years back when things were really really hard, my guy used to cheer me up when I was angry or sad or whatever, even if I was unreasonable and just lashing out because he was there and not the one it was aimed at.. He then went outside to pick a flower somewhere and told me listen, as long as I can make you laugh at least once a day, we're good!
It's still a thing, we still laugh every single day, even if we have a shit day and then remind each other that we still do that. It's a good thing to remember..
I love reading your adventures btw, have a great trip (if you're still traveling that is)