Tife wanted to share her opinion regarding the topic discussed in the video - The African mentality on women expression, so I decided to invite her over to the fourth episode of the love and sexuality podcast.
Surprisingly, she's in support of Women expressing their love interests as they see fit towards Men of interest, and appreciates it when they do.
It is worth mentioning that Tife is a Youtuber. Feel free to check out her Youtube Channel3speak.. I also onboarded her to the Hive community just yesterday with the username @beautifullyyou while encouraging her to share her contents on
See you on the next one!
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Previous episodes of the Love and Sexuality Podcast!
Love and Sexuality Podcast #1- Communication in relationships
Love and sexuality Podcast #2- Misconception on exposing children to sex education
Love and sexuality Podcast #3- Pansexuality from the African perspective
▶️ 3Speak
Women deserve to express themselves just as men do.
We can't say a man is cheap for expressing himself so i think it should go both ways
Yes. Expressing of feelings should be both ways. Thanks.
Solid! There should be equality in both genders. We both need to be heard and at the same time acknowledged. Not only by listening to what we have to say but working towards what we want.
Yes, please. Both genders should be given equality of expression and one shouldn't be considered superior to the other expecially in terms of self expression.
This matter cannot be reiterated enough. A lot has been said, and it goes without saying that a lot of women who expresses themselves are labeled as being too loose, and cheap. Which is wrong. This notion must be corrected. That's a fact.
This fact remains and must stand. Nobody is throwing him or herself at anyone. Self expression should be considered an art and not a taboo.
Yeah i think ladies should take the bold step in expressing their feelings to men without thinking about rejection even guys when they are rejected they didn’t die life goes on, expressing yourself to a guy doesn’t depreciate your value or your worth.
This is absolutely spot on. This deserves the 'best comment of the day' award!
This is a lovely topic you had. Enjoyed listening to @beautifullyyou speaking passionately about women individuality and expression. Hope you can encourage @beautifullyyou to make an awesome introduction blog too!
I'm glad enjoyed listening to her. Thanks for stopping by, I sincerely appreciate it.
I'd encourage her to make an introduction post first before beginning her 3speak journey. Thanks @indayclara
You are very much welcome! Keep it up!
When it comes to showing interest, i believe that both genders should be given fair treatment.
Yes. Equality should be allowed. Both genders should be able to express their feelings freely without bias.
Hi Tife. wow! It's nice having you here.
I also support women expressing their feelings after all they are human and and every human has the right to expression.
Yes oo my sister
We all should stop seeing women that express themselves as cheap and loose.
Really, truly. It really needs to stop. Nobody is cheap as far as feelings are concerned.
Thank you for this @beautifullyyou. You said the right thing. Ladies should learn to support each other and shouldn't judge whenever their fellow lady expresses her feelings to a man she's interested in.
Men too should know that women have the right to express themselves and should stop being immature/childish when ladies do this. It's very normal because we are humans.
Thanks once again.
Sister code should exist just like bro code.
She has a point though, people should be allowed to choose betweenwhat they want and what pays them in the long run
Yes, we have the right to choose and choice shouldn't be limited to gender.
Tife has hit the nail on the head. There's nothing more to say.
This generation should expose themselves into understanding human emotions, and women should learn to support each other where necessary.
Yes that support is the most important. Women shouldn't judge each other anymore.
Actually there is nothing wrong in women expressing themselves to men. But we really don't have men out there anymore but boys. Boys that they are still meant to think for before any decision can be made. Most ladies are seen as weak and cheap if they do this and some boy then to use this as an opportunity to exploit the ladies which made it difficult to express themselves because now they believe all men are the same
Sincerely, only boys exist these days, and those boys lack the ability to think outside the box. They only take advantage of ladies that come their way while thinking their cheap. Meanehile, self expression doesn't make you cheap but simply reflects that you understand your feelings and would be confident to express it.
Yeah.. I agree with you. Self expression doesn't make you cheap.. But most Africa ladies especially Nigeria see it as a taboo for a lady to express her feeling to a guy. Now I'm not talking about the man taking advantage of the lady