I've been browsing your blog, you sure do find some interesting places to explore. I think I'd be too afraid to enter these buildings. I would hate to run into squatters!
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I've been browsing your blog, you sure do find some interesting places to explore. I think I'd be too afraid to enter these buildings. I would hate to run into squatters!
I only ran into a couple. They were semi-intellectuals and I listened to one complain about the bad state of his 'free house'. It's been demolished now after yet another fire where he had to be dragged out in the night by the fire brigade and avoided being burnt alive. !WINE.
Sounds about right. Reminds me of Cambridge. I had some friends who were on the same course as me, but pretended to be homeless. They all had very wealthy parents but were rebelling. They'd sit on the side of the road begging (even sleeping rough) while waxing philosophical with the people passing.