No creepers in the house. No dirty dishes in the sink. Wallpaper, but not peeling wallpaper. Here's a shot of the back yard. I have a picture of the kitchen, but it's too embarrassing to post. The house in your blog had a lot more appliances. My mother cooked on a cast iron. As for the front brother would cut the grass with a scythe when the grass got really long.
I think my house was older, possibly even 18th century. It had a tin roof, and a storage lobby off the kitchen, I guess for hanging dried meats and canned food.
So, yeah, while my house didn't look like the house in your, yours did remind me of mine.
I don't see why it's embarrassing. It was just the way it was, and you don't ask for it. To me who was brought up more it the streets, that house looks great, and I was always denied a dog when young.
Hope you have one today :) I do