83 Lang Parade Auchenflower in Brisbane is as empty and as sadly neglected as the 2 homes, numbers 81 and 85. The one big difference between this home and the other homes positioned on either side is that number 83 is much older. According to the real estate site called onehome.com.au this house was built around 1900. My estimation guess is that the other 2 homes were built in the 1930's, 1940's or the 1950's.

The design, the bricks and the beautiful old brick chimney give this old house class. According to the real estate site this house was sold in 2019 for $1.45 million. I am thinking it has been empty ever since. Unfortunately it has not made it onto the Heritage list so it means it can be pulled down to make way for modern day concrete building. Or maybe it is a decision yet to be made.

Personally I think it is a shame that the house like the other 2 homes are not rented out for people to live in given they have been empty for 3 years so far.
If only the walls could tell me the story of the family or families who have lived here, I am sure the trains on the railway line would not have been as noisy as the modern day diesel trains. Maybe the railway line was built well after the house was built and I would understand why the house would be left vacant.

Little architectural details such as the flourishing swirls on the front end of the house add to its graceful design. The TV antenna at the rear however does not look so glam, modern day television watching comes with a few disadvantages.

Check out this beautiful chimney. I would have loved to explore inside the fire place but the front and back were locked up tighter than the Bank of England. Not only did the house front onto a very busy road and footpath my little forage break in would surely have attracted too much attention. What a bummer!
I can assure you I would not have minded climbing over a brick wall like the guru of Urban Exploration @slobberchops but sadly there was no 6 foot wall, only a little front fence and gate and every Tom, Dick and Harry would have seen me.
Check out the air conditioning units, like number 85, they are relatively modern units and my guess still work.

But no, it was a tat too high as well for me to climb into as well as far too small even for me at 5 feet 2 inches to stand up in. I would have to crawl on my hands and knees and definitely a big turn off. I did not come prepared with gloves and I was not wanting to meet any little creatures like spiders or snakes.
I am an amateur urban explorer in every way.
Anyway I could see everything I needed to see at the entry point, even the air conditioning unit that looked a tad incongruous compared to the rest of the dissolved rubbishing mess. I did wonder how many young kids spent time here as a meeting place. I am thinking drinking and smoking. Or perhaps I am being too harsh and suspicious

The garage although relatively clean and empty given how long this home has been empty did make me think that perhaps some people, homeless or otherwise have used it for shelter. I am sure the dirty old mattress has proved to be useful for a person or two and I have to say the empty drink container is ample evidence that this garage is visited.

The gods are against me as the back of the house was locked as well so a no go inside even to check out concrete washing tubs.

Interestingly there was no clothes line or garage in this yard. But, the big concrete wall of the new modern medical specialist building looms over the his house and the other two, a grim message of what is to come.
Given that the railway line is approximately 20 metres away from the unkempt overgrown grass backyard of the house I am not sure who would want to rent this home. I know I definitely would not unless it had triple glaze windows.

Even though I am very disinclined to live here now, there are still so many happy memories around this old home built in another era, where the noise of happy playing children, adult conversation, laughter, music and parties filled this now empty neglected section of Lang Parade Auchenflower.
As I stand and look at this front part of the garden I wonder why this protective net was placed here to protect by a caring conscientious gardener. Tried as I might I cannot figure what plant needed looking after and why. But on the other hand it is heartening to see how hardy flowers are to keep flowering without a nurturing gardener.

I could not resist taking a photo of one of the decorative artistic doors leading out from the house to the yard. It looks like leadlight to me. Maybe there was a pretty garden here once upon a time How wonderful it would be to see this house in its hay day in the early 1900s.

I finish my little urban exploration of this grand old house. I only wished I could have ventured inside to see the wooden floors, the six bedrooms, two bathrooms, old worldly decorative ceilings, walls and doors. The 1900s was another magical world altogether, a world that no longer exists or wanted in 2022.

Squatters rights?
Those decorative doors at the end are STUNNING!!!
Yep, such a shame as the homes are in good condition too. And I am surprised that squatters have not settled here either. Maybe it is because The Wesley Hospital is up the road and the ordinary people do not walk up this road.
I was thinking how the doors would look after a good clean, whether they would look lighter.
Yes a sand would work wonders.. even painted white!
Hmmm, nice. I think this place needs to teleported to a new piece of land in a quiet spot.
Even though you couldn’t get in. It’s still pretty cool to see these houses.
Indeed to bad that they don’t rent them out. They do look pretty and can make for a beautiful home 😎
So agree and I can't believe they all have been empty for so long. It is just those very noisy trains going all day and most of the night. I think one would used to them but it takes a while I am thinking.
Here there are also many empty buildings and structures, most started the building process but never finished.
Yes, living along a train track will take a little while to get used too, but because it is the same noise you do get used to it. Lived next to a few long ago.
Were the tracks very close to your home?
I think I could listen to a steam engine but diesel ones are another story. We
My hubby and I stayed in a Lodge near the hospital for one night with a train very close to the bedroom, that went back and forth all night. Not a lot of sleeping happened.☺️
Yes, but no cargo trains came over it. Just passenger trains and they were more silent. We did get used to it.
Going on a holiday or staying somewhere else is different, it will disturb your sleep for sure. When we book, we never know exactly where we end up all the time 😇
Climbing is part of the deal! It's tough when you are not 21.
Hahaha, I remember being 21, just have to keep the young me in my psychic.
What a beaut. If that house was empty here, it would have been completely stripped long ago
What a shame that some people do this for whatever reason.
Poverty, unemployment and desperation sadly
It can be seen that in their time this house was beautiful, maybe they were full of life and some family was happy there. If the walls could talk. I love the doors of the pic at the end.
Happy Sunday to you!
If only the door opened up for me as I stood at the front gate. I could have have snuck up that path for a good old explore and taking photos galore.
Happy Sunday to you as I am sure it is still the weekend for you. It is Monday morning here. 💛
Oh, it would have been great if it had been open ;)
Happy week! 😄😊
Enjoyable explore even if unable to enter the property, land barons often buy up with no intention for use as a home, purely future planning in concrete jungle.
Also enjoy these old homes and history, always full of detail you least expect, if only the walls could whisper to you!
(2/10) gave you LUV.
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Obviously these land barons don't care about lovely old homes. On google I found that the house was pre-listed for a decision as a heritage listed building but it has not happened. I am wondering if that stops the developers from tearing it down for a concrete building of units or businesses during this process.
We witnessed gorgeous old homesteads stripped bare, open invitation to theft, once cleared out literally they knocked down to develop more square boxes.
This is an interesting search, Angie. So many lovely touches on the neglected house. I hope the decorative artistic doors that look like stained glass will be saved if the house is eventually tore down to make way for an apartment or commercial building.
Have a wonderful day! 🤗
Great research work, with excellent photographic record and analysis of the case.
The house has, for me, an Asian style. Don you think that? It also looks like a beach house. Is the beach close to that neighborhood? Maybe nobody wants to rent it because it is located quite close to the train railways. In Venezuela, unfortunately, the squatters would have already settled in the place, supported by the government of the day, or it would have been already dismantled . Alas !