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RE: Fails of the Urban Explorer: A Quartet of Failures IV

Welcome to the jungle hahhaa. I admire anyone who says they rarely, if at all, post on Facebook. Neither do I. All of my posting, commenting is done only on Hive. Since I discovered this platform I no longer see the purpose on using any other for my content. So many smart people in here... I am still amazed.

Great job sneaking on this one!


Indeed. Before Steem/Hive I tried to start some reasonable discussions on fb, with 0 resonance - fb is simply not the platform for exchanging ideas. It is only for sharing your latest vacation pics. But nevertheless a huge market wants exactly this.

Oh you are right! For every foot there is a shoe. People decide what they want to do with their time. Some platforms drain you of energy, adding nothing but self validation. Some platforms are better, in adding a sense of belonging, a sense of genuine communication with the peers. The case of Hive😊

I did crosspost my stuff on there for a while but have given up. I don't see the point anymore.

I agree with you, I am sure more people will notice the futility of Fb